CH 13

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2 years later

The prince's debutant was next year and the preparations already started.

With a sigh Ambroise called his secretary and inquired about his schedule, he was relieved when he heard that he only had to finish some paperwork.

When it came to work it was almost no different from his past life, big piles of papers waiting to be tended and practise swordsmanship the only difference is he used to do more workout than now.

After finishing his work he submitted it to his father, on his way back a thought crossed his mind

'should I send some easy beginner paperwork to Athanasia, I heard she is quite advanced in her studies compared to other children......... Never mind'

The idea was quickly rejected once he imagined Felix's reaction unlike his father who would consider it ,he would nag him saying the princess is still a child and blah blah blah.

Lost in his thought the prince arrived when Athanasia was flexing her knowledge to duke Alpheus.

"god will smite the liars!"

" because, they went too far in thinking and forgot that destinies were written"

As soon as they heard a new voice they turned to witness the crown prince standing with a stoic expression.

"Big Brother!"

The princess smiled at the older royal while the duke did the curtsy which was acknowledged by a nod 

"you may rise "

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now