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In a cold room there was a bleeding man, feeling bitter from being betrayed by the person he tried to please all his life. 

He knew his time has come with a relieved smile, he let go of all the burdens and welcomed the cold but accepting embrace of darkness.

As the darkness engulfed him, he felt a gentle hand caress his head, startled he opened his eyes  just to meet a dark figure.

As if on instinct he knew it was Death.

Before he could do or say anything the figure spoke.

" you're awake "

pushing down the urge to make a sarcastic comment he just nodded.

Death smiled 

' what a creepy smile' 

Was the the first thought he had, making Death's smile falter.

" Aren't you supposed to ask me about why you aren't dead or something "

Both of them stared at each other in silence the man now only a soul was trying to subdue an offensive expression, on the other hand death just waited for a response

Finally losing his patience Death spoke

"Never mind,  you are going to your real world, the place where you're supposed to be"

" Okay..." 

The response was simple to the point that it was innerving.

" Can you give me at least a reaction like being scared, nervous or surprised ! "

" Can you wait a little, I have to process things you said..."


After another session of awkward silence 

"...Where is the consent to send someone somewhere they don't want to"

" Sigh... you know what i'm done with you, i'm leaving " 

" okay... "

" At least pretend to stop me! "

" No... "

" Why!" 

"Don't want to..."

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now