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The morning sun felt like an annoying nemesis, its bright rays jabbing through my eyelids and pounding against my aching head. With a groan, I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, where I shook off sleep and hopped into the tub. Growing up, the water never hit that perfect boiling point I craved. But now, armed with these new skills, I was determined to give it a shot.

These powers were promising but came with a "use with caution" tag, like handling something explosive. I'd been warned about the risks they posed, not just to me but to everyone around me. So, I cautiously channelled a bit of this mysterious energy, focusing on heating the water instantly instead of waiting.

Steam rose to the ceiling, making a smile grace my lips.

Eat that, Elijah.

Stepping into the toasty water, I began my morning routine, each splash a reminder of the tightrope I walked between controlling these abilities and the dangers they brought.

As steam filled the room, my mind wandered back to yesterday, a heavy weight on my thoughts. The memories played in my head, each one with a sense of impending doom. Despite my pounding headache, yesterday was crystal clear in my mind, sticking around like a stubborn stain.

I wished I could stay here forever, avoiding the danger lurking outside.

But that wasn't an option.

I hopped out of the tub, feeling clean as I grabbed a towel. Drying off, I let my hair air-dry down my back. I threw on a simple floor-length navy blue dress, no corset or anything tight. My mind needed a break from complications.

Slipping into black flats, I left my room and headed downstairs to the estate's kitchen. But as I stepped in, it was too quiet. No maids, no guards—just me, making my eyebrows scrunch up.

Where was everyone?

Grabbing an apple, I sat alone at the table. It was weird being by myself. I've always been around people since I got here. In Scotland, I enjoyed the peace, but now...

It felt suffocating.

The kitchen was a void filled with an unsettling silence, making the morning feel heavier. The apple in my hand tasted tangy, its crunch echoing louder in the absence of any other sound. The emptiness of the estate left me uneasy, wondering if something had happened while I was wrapped up in my morning routine.

My thoughts strayed to my abilities and their potential unforeseen consequences. The power to control elements—manipulating water and heat—was an incredible find, but it came with danger. I remembered the warnings, the worried faces, and the serious talks. Did yesterday's events trigger this strange solitude?

Absentmindedly tracing the apple's rim, I surveyed the usually lively kitchen. It was eerie to see it so still, with utensils left untouched and the scent of breakfast lingering, untouched and forgotten.

Curiosity and a hint of unease pushed me to explore further into the estate. The corridors, once filled with chatter, were now hauntingly quiet. The portraits lining the walls seemed to watch me, intensifying the eerie feeling.

As I entered the grand foyer, the absence of life hit hard. Sunlight painted eerie shadows on the marble floor. Each step echoed in the vast silence, emphasizing the solitude surrounding me.

Questions flooded my mind. Had something urgent forced everyone to leave? Was this because of the birds and note?

Taking a deep breath, I resolved to investigate, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the estate's silence. The garden doors were open, a mix of invitation and foreboding. The idea of solitary exploration outdoors felt less suffocating than the emptiness within.

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