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        The discomfort in my neck and the bustling sounds outside the vessel stirred me awake. I sat up abruptly, discerning that labourers and sentinels were generating the commotion, signalling our arrival at the destination. In synchrony, a knock on my chamber door startled me, prompting me to rise from bed hastily. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by an unfamiliar woman, offering a warm smile.

"Hei, frue, jeg er her for å kle på deg til reisen.", she conveyed with a respectful bow, though her words left me perplexed. I chuckled in self-consciousness, admitting, "I apologize... I do not understand."

"Please forgive me, my lady. I am here to get you dressed for your travels", she said ushering her hands to the long dress bag. I nodded with a smile letting her into my room, before standing by the bed.

The woman exuded an aura of authority within my room, attired in a modest yet refined dress, her hair neatly arranged in a bun. Her demeanour projected confidence and competence, mildly imposing upon me. Firmly grasping the dress bag, her eyes carried a trace of amusement as she observed my struggle to grasp her words. Despite my embarrassment, her warm smile persisted, and she spoke in a gentle, kind tone, elucidating the situation and extending her aid.

Her composed and reassuring presence alleviated my unease, and I valued her assistance in dressing for my impending journey. Standing there, feeling somewhat self-conscious in my slightly soiled attire, she exhibited understanding and remarkable patience. She adeptly guided me into an elegant dress, adorned with plush fur lining beneath the skirt. The accompanying coat boasted equal opulence, embellished with intricate embroidery and beadwork. Soft leather gloves completed the ensemble, meticulously fitted onto my hands. Gazing into the mirror, I felt regal and expressed my gratitude with a smile.

"You look beautiful min dame", she said as she looked at me with pride. My smile never faded as I thanked her before she left quickly taking my other dress with her.

Surveying my reflection, I ran my fingers through my hair before tracing the almost-healed mark on my neck. Both imprints of my beloveds were now visible, vividly recalling the previous day with Knox. Blushing, I attempted to dispel those thoughts.

How could I reconcile having two beloveds when one alone had nearly brought me to my knees?

A robust knock interrupted my musings. Opening the door, I encountered a guard motioning for me to follow. Ascending several levels, I reached the boat's apex, greeted by the burgeoning daylight and crisp air. Directed into a room, I found Xander, Fredrik, Cassandra, and Knox engaged in conversation. Meeting Knox's intense gaze, warmth flushed my cheeks, reminiscent of the prior night's events. His penetrating stare unsettled me, prompting a quick shift of my gaze. Avoiding Xander's eyes, despite understanding his reasons for abstaining from a kiss, left me emotionally disconcerted.

Cassandra, wearing a knowing smile, pulled me aside. Her discerning eyes perused me, igniting a blush on my cheeks. Approvingly nodding, she commented, "You look stunning." Expressing my gratitude, I received a brief hug from her, followed by a reassuring smile. "It will be a splendid day," she assured.

"Darling, our vehicle awaits", Xander says to me making me nod to him before looking back at Cassandra. She smiles warmly before she states, "We will ride behind you, and see you soon".

As the car cruised along the winding road leading to the castle, an eerie atmosphere settled within the confines of the vehicle. Xander's voice broke the silence, an unexpected question hanging in the air, "How are you feeling, our beloved?"

As I sat in the passenger seat, I turned, visibly taken aback by Xander's question. "W-What?" I stammered, confused by the unexpected inquiry. My eyes quickly fell over to Knox who held a grin on his face with a mischievous glint in their eyes. "You'd think I wouldn't have told him?" Knox chimed in, his tone teasing yet laden with a shared understanding. My brow furrowed, and a sense of unease grew with each cryptic exchange.

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