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        The gentle touch of Knox's hands on my shoulders instantly soothed my tension, prompting a contented sigh to escape my lips. The sensation of his skilled fingers kneading away the knots of stress was a welcome relief, eliciting a soft murmur of appreciation from me.

"That feels amazing..." I sighed, my voice a hushed whisper of gratitude for the calming sensation spreading through me.

Xander, ever playful, chimed in, his tone teasing yet filled with a hint of mischief. "You should see what else these hands can do," he remarked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Knox, sensing the playful banter, interjected with a light chuckle. "You're making her blush furiously, Xander," he teased, his voice laced with amusement. My cheeks indeed burned with a sudden rush of heat at Xander's comment, feeling both embarrassed and amused by their playful exchange. "You can't say such things..." I retorted, a mix of laughter and embarrassment in my voice.

"Why?" Xander's innocent question only added to the playfulness of the moment, his curiosity genuine yet mischievously delivered.

"Lean up for me, Elskling," Knox gently directed, his voice bringing a touch of calm authority to the playful banter.

I complied, leaning back slightly as Knox carefully washed my hair, the gentle strokes of his fingers weaving through the strands, creating a soothing rhythm that further relaxed me. The tenderness of their care and the light-hearted banter lifted my spirits, making me feel both cherished and at ease in the intimate setting they had created. The tenderness of their actions and the pampering I received overwhelmed me, stirring a sense of gratitude and unfamiliar warmth within me.

"I don't think I have ever been treated like this..." I confessed softly, my voice carrying a mix of surprise and appreciation for their care.

"Get used to it," Xander chimed in, his tone filled with a confident reassurance that hinted at a promise.

"You are ours now," Knox added, his voice tender yet possessing an air of protective ownership.

"Only ours," Xander emphasized, his words carrying a note of possessiveness that bordered on affectionate declaration.

I felt a mixture of emotions swirl within me at their words. Their possessiveness wasn't restrictive or oppressive but rather protective and comforting, offering me a sense of belonging I had never experienced before. At that moment, I felt a new sense of security, wrapped in the cocoon of their care and guardianship.

"Say it for us darling" Xander urges as I close my eyes focusing on the electricity flowing from their touch. The words couldn't leave my lips, my concentration only focused on the lust in the air. I felt Knox's hand tighten around my neck, the sensation sending a jolt of electricity through my body. His grip was firm yet gentle, a reminder of his protective presence. I whisper breathlessly, "I'm only yours".

Knox leans down to my ear, his breath hot on my neck as he murmurs darkly, "Theres a good girl". His voice is low and husky, laced with a promise that sends a thrill of anticipation through my body. His grip on my neck tightens ever so slightly, a reminder that I am in their control. I can feel the electricity in the air, the intensity of his gaze as he awaits my response.

As Knox leaned forward from behind me, I could see his eyes changing from a light blue into a deep, dark red crimson. The intensity of his gaze made me gasp softly, my breath catching in my throat as I felt a shiver run through my body. I mutter, "Your eyes...". His gaze seemed to penetrate my soul as if he could see straight into my heart. I felt my insides stir, a thrill of excitement and anticipation coursing through my veins as I stared into his eyes.

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now