The Hunters

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Lloyd POV

It was only a few days later when I had an army of dragon hybrids, there was twenty-five of them excluding me. Bekura had spent the majority of xyr time in xyr room, away from all the noise. Aranea had pawned the kids off onto multiple people and they were always running off somewhere. 

"We need to get ready," Morro spoke from where he sat beside me in my room. We were on the floor making bead flags for all the queer dragons in the mountain, most of them were queer in one way or another and always liked little queer gifts. 

"Ready for what?" I countered as I finished Wren's AroAce flag, and went to grab the beads for Aurelia's AroAce flag. 

He sighed and looped a light purple bead through Bekura's Genderqueer flag, "You know, our finally plan. We still need to gather the rest of the Elements that you set loose on the world," He paused and I could feel the slight glare he gave me, "The ones that are now out hunting every Element in Ninjago and destroying those in their way, Those Elements." 

"Yes, I know!" I said sharply, his wings flared out in surprise, before I softened my voice. "I know that I need to get them, but I'm not sure if I should stop them from doing what they are doing. And I already know where they are," I tapped my forehead gently. "I know where everyone is." 

Morro made it to the last line of Bekura's flag, attaching the key ring, "How many do they have now?" He asked. 

I sighed, halfway through the AroAce flag, "There are currently seven of them since the last time I saw them, each of them has so much power, Morro. Most of them don't even understand the extent of the powers they have." I looped another blue bead through, my tail twitched slightly. 

"You still should go get them, were only missing a few Elements after we get them." Morro reached out to grab the beads for Aranea's genderfae flag, his wings lay limp at his side. "They can better track the ones we have left to get." 

"I'll go get them then," I said, putting down the finished flag and getting up. I grabbed my weapons back and went to go out the door. A gust of wind pushed me right back to beside Morro. I looked down at the hybrid, who was innocently making the genderfae flag. 

He looked up at me, "What?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side, his streak of green hair falling slightly into his eyes. 

I shook my head slightly, "Nothing," I went for the door again. 

And again I was pushed back, this time I ended up on my bed. Right behind were we were sitting making flags. I sat there for a moment before I got the Mountain to open a hole in the wall for me to go through, and despite that Morro's wind pushed me back onto the bed. 

I sighed grumpily, "Fine I'll stay," I paused, "Just until we finish the flags though." 

Morro stood up and smirked down at me, " Don't kid me, I know you didn't want to leave." He grabbed my arm gently and I let him pick me up and set me down beside him on the floor. 

"You do know you could have just asked me to stay. You didn't have to plow me around the room." I said grumpily. Grabbing more beads for Theron's Libragender flag. 

He kissed me on the cheek, his wing wrapping around me, "Look who's the grumpy one now!" He laughed. 

I smiled up at him, and kissed him, "What are you talking about, Grumpy Storm." I teased after we parted. 

We ended up cuddling for a while before we went back to beading. 

~Time Skip~

By the time we ended we had 18 flags: two achillian flags for Morro and I, Agender and AroAce for Wren, Straight for Kiki, MlM for Mari, Trans, Pan and Ace for Neo, Libragender and Bi for Theron, Genderqueer, Omni and Demisexual for Bekura, Genderfae and Sapphic for Aranea, and Demiboy and AroAce for Aurelia. Each of them had the hybrids name on it and ones with multiple are all attached together, but have key rings on them. The Ninja would have to earn my trust to get their own, if they wanted them that is. 

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