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Kai POV 

I woke up groggily, I looked around the room. Only to find that what had happened wasn't a dream at all and was very much reality. Morro was crouched protectively beside Lloyd, who sat on the floor. Neo was flipping through a pocket sized fantasy book that came from a bag on his tail that looked new and handmade. 

"He's up," Neo warned the other two, not looking up. A pause, "If you dare try anything," He glared up from his book, "You will regret it," He went back to his book. 

I glared at the group and flexed my new appendages looking at them curiously. On the left side of my body were a wing that seemed to be made out of water, they were partially see through and when the purple light hit them, water patterns covered the floor. The water never hit the floor and just seemed to float there. On the right side there was a wing that was made of a burning fire, but it held only a small amount of heat when you touched it. The membrane of the wing looked like they were smeared with ash, and only bits of dark red poked through. I had two tails, one to match the watery wing and one to match the fire covered wing. The water one had deep blue scales and looked to be dipped in water. The other one was a dark red and pale yellow, it was a light with flames down the tail and on the tip, like how fur would be. I could just barely see the antler like horns rising above my head (similar to a Red Deer) both pale purple. 

Lloyd finally met my gaze, "Kai," He said slowly." By now you have probably noticed that something happened. Nya... She couldn't stand her dragon form and is... gone." 

I stared at the hybrid boy, "What do you mean gone," I questioned through my anger. "She can't be gone?!?" 

Lloyd's tired gaze went from exhausted to on the verge of tears, "She's gone," He repeated it like a mantran, like it would bring her back. Morro grabbed the Lloyd and carried him out of the room, before he left he spoke directly at me, his voice commanding. 

"Don't you dare leave this room until I return," And he left. 

I was fuming and fire began going around the room, Neo looked up, put his book back in his tail bag, and walked over. I got into position to fight the butterfly-like dragon boy, he held up his hand and grabbed my arm. I struggled to move away from him, yanking my arm, but it became more and more difficult. The world got bigger and bigger. Or I got smaller. 

Suddenly I was in the pam of Neo's hand and the fires around the room extinguished. I was little more than half a foot! I stared at him in shock and outrage. "How dare you!" I screamed, but the sound was little more than a squeak. 

The boy in front of me laughed at the pitiful sound. 

I scream squeaked again, "Turn me back right now!" Neo laughed more and grabbed some metal from his tail bag. He formed it into a tiny fortress, set it on the floor and put me in the center. 

I snarled at the amused boy, he made a few tiny soldiers and threw them in. I sat on the floor and studied the fortress. It had a foot and a half walls, Lined with watchtowers and a large drawbridge door. In the center was a tent at a foot tall and empty. The soldiers were scorpion humanoids and serpentine. 

I glared at the amused and huge boy. He touched the metal soldiers and they began moving around, setting up scouts and fighting with swords. I stared at them cautiously, and Neo continued to watch. 

Morro chose that moment to return, he looked around the room in momentary confusion, before spotting me and Neo smirking. Morro laughed a short laugh. 

He spoke in an amused tone, "Kai, are you enjoying being the size of your intelligence?" I huffed indignantly at him. 

"I demand you return me to normal! And give me answers!" I snarled. Morro laughed again at the pitiful squeaking. 

They smirked before Neo grabbed the metal and returned it to the cube it was before, before grabbing me and throwing me in the air. I rapidly returned to normal as I landed on the ground with a thud. 

"Fuck you!" I snarled at the two, who shared amused looks. 

"You want answers?" Neo questioned, "Look at him, I'm leaving you two to rip each other apart," With that he left, still amused. 

"Dear lord, do I have to?" Morro muttered a loud, grumbling, "Nya's dead, she murdered herself, Lloyd is torn up about it and you not gonna attack him for it," His words were commanding, Why Nya? I thought like she would answer. But Morro plowed on, "You have her Water Element in you now, meaning you control both. You are forced to follow Lloyd, the Dark Prince. His words become law, and as his partner I have the same authority over Dragons and Oni as he does." We stared each other down, "You are not to enter the dungeon, hurt any residents of this Mountain or leave it," He turned and left before I could question the hybrid further. 

I wandered aimlessly around the halls, thinking about Nya and how much I would miss her. But her voice kept calling out to me, like she was right there beside me. 

Lloyds POV 

I never wanted anyone to get hurt, but at least Kai doesn't hate me. I know Morro will always be there, I ended up in the main hall. Playing hide and seek tag or HAS tag. Cole made tall walls of rock, and little crawl spaces the little ones can go in. 

I balanced on a small raised platform, beside me is a hole in the wall the little ones can crawl through. Three of us are it, Janak, Mari and Aurelia started. Noise came from down the hall and in the cave beside me. 

Cole ran down the hall below me and Tonatiuh appeared in the tunnel. I heard Cole bound around the corner and his footsteps receded. Tonatiuh crouched beside me on the ledge. 

A tap hit my shoulder, "Hey Lloyd!" Aurelia called out in zhis wispy Luna Lovegood voice. Aurelia had used zhis Space Element to basically teleport. The remains of zhis Element floated in the air, dark purple and other colored particles as they disappeared. 

A portal opened up below zhem again, this time taking Tonatiuh with zhem. I sighed as the one nearby person I could tag disappeared. I jumped down and headed after Cole, who I realised could change the layout or go through the walls any time he wanted. 

Aurelia POV 

I dropped Tonatiuh off with Janak, who was no longer it, and continued onto the spot farthest from anyone it. The Void was always so beautiful, so many hinted colors and stars, galaxies I could see beyond my vision. The stars brought me peace, the Constellations often talked to me and brought me foresight. 

I dropped onto a mostly hidden platform near the exit to outside. I stared off into space unconsciously, I felt a new presence among the stars. This presence however fought back harder than most. I brought the fighting spirit to me, making it tangible. 

"Why do you fight, warrior?" I questioned the spirit. It had been changed from its original form into a merlion, the creature glittered with stars and blue galaxies. 

It growled out to me angrily, "I need to get back to my brother!" It demanded. It slashed out at me with it's claws, "Your one of Lloyds hybrids, take me back!" 

"Nya?" I questioned, "Yes. Are you enjoying the stars, your Constellation, Libra, has gifted you a beautiful form, warrior." I knew she wanted to go back, but she enjoyed being a merlion. 

"Take me back!" She snarled, getting desperate to come back. 

I sighed, "I can't, I can only talk to you. But you can connect to Kai through your Element since he now has it." She got a look of hope in her eyes and I sent her back to the stars. "You poor troubled soul, I hope Libra can offer you some comfort." 

"Aurelia! Your caught now!" Metzi squealed in excitement from behind me. 

I turned to face the Moon Elemental, "I guess I was daydreaming," He laughed and ran off. 

I'm back! There's the next awaited chapter all my readers! 

Peace Out! 

- Azri

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