Poison in the Water

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Neo POV 

I was coloring a moth to hang from the roof of my room, when there was a crash outside in the main hall. I ran over to the edge, pulled aside the curtain and looked down from the fourth story. Down below the two Lightning Masters had found the Earth Master and it looked like the kids had convinced all three if them to play with them. Capala on the other hand had no interest in playing with the kids and looked around for an escape. 

Before he could even try and get away the kids decided it was time for a new game, "Tag! Your it!" Janak touched Capala and everyone scattered. Cole had turned part of the room into an obstacle course so they could avoid the speeding Lightning Masters. 

I returned to my moth, I had decided to make it a Luna Moth. I finished the moth and hung it from the roof. I had decided to make a collection of flying creatures and the ceiling was filling up quite fast. 

The kids made excited noises and Morro spoke to them, "I'll come play in just a minute. I have to talk to Neo," Wingbeats filled the air as Morro flew up to my cave, he landed on the ledge outside. "Can I come in Neo?" He questioned. 

"Yea, whats up?" I asked in returned as he entered my room. 

The Wind Master bore a serious face, "Lloyd asked if I could come and get you. The Transformation Ritual is extremely tiring on him since Transformation isn't his element, he wants you to help him do the Rituals. Since it will be less tiring on him and it lets you become better with your Element." He explained. 

I sighed. "You could have just told me that Lloyd needs help, or else he is gonna become a zombie." I smiled. "So of course I'm gonna help him, and I belive you have a playdate with the little ones." I smirked and flew out of the cave, landing at the entrance to the halls. 

As I left you could hear laughter and a very rare laughter; Morro's. It sounded like whistling wind, filled with leaves. You could hear them running around and playing. It was a good thing that Bekura's cave is completely soundproof. 

As I was walking Theron, Mari, Wren, Kiki, and Aurelia went back to the main caves where they would no doubt be roped into whatever game they were playing. 

I reached the Transformation Chamber, it had such a long and dramatic name for a regularly used room. I just call it the Chamber since it's so much easier. 

Lloyd had a large book out when I arrived Apala sat off to one side of the circle with the Water Master chained down in the middle of the circle. "Welcome Neo, I'm sure Neo told you why your here. So can you help me with this?" He asked, he had large eye bags and looked half asleep. 

I nodded, "Just show me what to do and then you need to go have a nap, or at least rest some." He looked like he was about to protest, "Morro is worried about you, we all are." 

He sighed, "Ok, fine," he relented. "I'll show you what to do and then I'll rest." He paused. "I still want to be present for the Rituals of the Ninja," 

"Sure," I nodded. 

"Ok, so the first thing to do is make sure that you have the right ritual for the right Element, I have the book open to the Water Element." He explained, handing me the large book, "Next you have to get both Apala and Nya to drink a Water Transformation potion, then you begin chanting. You have to speak all of them in draconic. As you say them an aura will surround the circle, and you can't stop chanting," He finished. 

"I got it," The words were easy enough, it seemed easy, but it would take a lot of energy. "Shall we begin?" A curt nod from Lloyd was the response I got. 

I grabbed the Water potions form the shelf, they were a blue grey. I gave the first one to Apala, who downed it, and the seconded to Nya, who I had to force to drink it. But I got it down. 

I stepped back from the pair, Nya was swearing and yelling at the top of her lungs, and Apala smirked at her. I began to chant the words. 

Nya POV 

TW Swearing and Suicide (Sorry Nya lovers, I need some tragedy, also other ships) 

"How fucking dare you Lloyd! You can't just abandon us and be evil you asshole!" I screamed at him, "You can't just do this to me! I'm and Elemental fucking Master!" 

Then the other boy, Neo, began chanting in draconic and the world started to spin and pain began to spread through my body. An aura of blue gray water began to whirl around. The pain was worst in my back. 

I began to feel things growing out of my back as the pain strengthened. It got to bad to handle, I passed out. 

When I woke up I saw a head of black, curly hair, mixed with a rainbow of colors, cut in a short mohawk. And glowing heterochromia, silver and gold eyes. "She's fine," He called over his shoulder to Lloyd. 

"Well hello, Nya. Welcome back to the land of the Living. As for what happened you are now a hybrid like all the others here," He continued before I could interrupt, explaining this shit show, "I am the Oni and Dragon Prince, meaning I have power over each due to their hierarchy. Now." His words tock on a commanding tone. "You are not to hurt any of the residents here, you are not to go in the dungeons or leave the Mountain. Now leave and go find the others." 

I stood there dumbly for a second before my body moved on it's own, taking me out the door and leaving the two hybrids behind. I was just walking against my will, wandering until I reached a large cave. Inside was a large group of hybrids laughing and playing with three small, human kids. Cole was a hybrid, Jay was a hybrid, Wren was a hybrid, Morro was a hybrid, everyone was a fucking hybrid and they were just playing and laughing together like nothing happened. 

I felt the tail that I was absolutely disgusted to have, lashing iratibly. The wings that repulsed me twitched on my back. The claws that looked so inhuman dug into my skin, the fangs that replaced the normal teeth I should have, dug into my lip. 

I turned and ran, ran back to that cave, back to Lloyd and that other hybrid. I ran into Lloyd as he was walking out of the cave. 

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "Change me back!" I yelled at him desperately. 

"Back?" He laughed, "There is no back," He left, just walked away. Like I would come to terms with it and be fine. There was no way I would be fine with this. People would call me a monster, they would hate me. After being an outcast, there was no way I was going to be a monster too. I couldn't handle living like that, there was no way I would survive that. What would my parents think. There is no back. Everyone would hate me. They would want me dead. There is no back. Monster! No back. Disgusting. Monster. There is no back. 

I brought the claws that marked me as a monster up to my neck, this was no life I could have. 

Lloyd POV 

I felt it as we reached the main cave. Nya's oni waking up. I turned around and ran, speeding down the hallways. But I knew I was to late, she was gone. The scene I was met with was horrible, a gray blue, glowing orb hovered above her. I snatced it up in my claws and trapped it in a sphere of my own. I didn't mean for this to happen, why would she do this. She had so much to live for. 

I dropped to the ground, cradling the orb in my arms. I opened the hive mind of the hybrid dragons, it was something that I always kept closed and only used in emergencies. "Nya couldn't accept her hybrid form," was all I could manage to utter. 

The shock, yelling and crying that followed was something that I was completely unprepared for. I don't know what they said, all I know is that I had the piece of Nya that made her so strong: her element. Morro wrapped his arms around me in a gentle hug, but I could barely tell. 

The real question is: how do we tell Kai? There would be an explosion and Hell fire. 

I'm sorry to all my Nya lovers, it was this or make her a villain. Also tell me other ships for the story, I'm open for most of them. Also, on a happier note, your bones can be other colours than off white, such as purple, black, green, red, yellow and black. This can be due to heal conditions, but still is cool. Again sorry about Nya. 

Peace Out! ;) 

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