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"Should_" I cut him off with a wince.
Not today!
I clutched my lower stomach feeling the familiar sensation there. I can feel the blood trickling down. I always have a way of hiding the pain but today it is really hard to do that.
"Are you okay? What happened?"he rushed out holding my shoulders sensing my discomfort.
I was embarrassed to tell him it is my time of the month so I ignored him. I opened my locker thankful we are standing by it.
I rummaged through my locker looking for my supplies. My eyes widened as I saw the box was empty. How can I be so forgetful. I just remembered I used it all the last time.
"What is happening to you? You are scaring me" he said holding me in place and worry was evident in his eyes.
"Girl issues" I managed to say and he raised an eyebrow looking confused.
"Can you get any of my friends? The girls and tell them I have got girl issues and will be needing the kit. Tell the person to meet me in the girl's toilet" I said and clenched my fist as the pain become more unbearable. "Okay but I don't get any of this. Why can't I just take to the clinic? I am sure the nurse will help you through whatever you are facing"he said and I sighed.
"That is not necessary. Just tell any of my friends to give me the kit" I said and walked towards the bathroom.
I entered and rested on the sink. The pain is unbearable and I still don't get why we have to go through this. We go through pain during menstruation, child birth and menopause. It's hard to be a female.
I kept glancing at the entrance waiting for my savior.
You could have just called one of them.
I didn't think of that besides, my bag is with Asher. He insisted on carrying my bag for me when he saw me entering the school. His parents just came back from a trip so he decided to spend time with them. I went home on my own yesterday and came to school by myself today.
"Arghh" I groaned out and tapped my hand continuously on the sink .
The door opened and I breathed a sigh of relief. My eyes widened at the person coming in. "Ash, what are you doing here?" I gasped out and he ran a hand through his hair.
"Well I found Amanda and told her what you asked me to. She gave me this but couldn't come deliver it herself. She had test first class and the bell already rang. So I decided to bring it myself" he said and awkwardly extended the box of tampons to me.
"Thank you so much" I said and he reached into his bag.
"Your jeans is kinda stained so I brought you my basketball shorts to change into" he said with a small smile and I glanced at my back through the mirror.
I facepalmed and quickly collected the shorts and tampon. "You are the best" I said and ran into a stall.
I am glad the bathroom is empty but I am sure he wouldn't get into trouble. This people practically kisses the floor he walks on. They will be shocked but I know he wouldn't be reported.
I put on the tampon and changed into his basketball shorts.
The waist wasn't my size so I had to roll it many times. It reached my mid thigh but still looked big on me.
I walked out to see him leaning on the wall. "Do you wanna ditch school today since you are feeling pain?"he asked and I contemplated on it.
"You don't have any tests today and I can get you a note" he said and I smiled.
He is so caring and he is everything I ever wished for. He doesn't know it but I am glad he came into my life.
"I will take you up on that. I don't want to explain to people why I am wearing your basketball shorts" I rolled my eyes at the last part and he chuckled.
"You look good babe and I love you in my clothes" he smirked and I snorted. Of course I looked good.
The door opened and two girls walked in. They were so shocked to see Asher while he just waved at them. "Oh my God! He waved at us and smiled" they squealed not caring that he could hear them. I am sure they are not in our set and looked more like a junior. I just crossed my arms over my chest enjoying the exchange.
"Sorry for intruding on your privacy but my girlfriend needed me" he said and the girls finally noticed me.
They blushed and glanced at me. They raised an eyebrow at me wearing basketball shorts which clearly looks like his. "We don't mind. I am Jenna" the bold one said and I giggled lightly.
"Nice to meet you both but we gotta go" he said with his charming smile that always managed to turn my insides. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out. I collected my backpack from him and put my jeans inside. "You have got lots of fan boyfriend" I said and he smirked.
"Are you just getting to know now girlfriend" he mimicked my tone and I smiled. I groaned out as I felt another wave of pain and discharge. "Let's get you home" he said and walked away.
I managed to walk to my locker and waited for him.
This is the first time I have ditching school for my menstrual cramps.
I waited for him to come back and smiled when I saw him approaching.
"I got the note and informed Lily that I am taking you home" he informed me as we walked out.
We walked to the carpark and he opened the door for me. I didn't have the strength to beat him to it. I smiled and entered the car. He got in and started the car.
The gate was closed and a guard approached us. He gave the note to the guard before he could utter a word.
He narrowed his eyes at us before opening the gate for us.
I rested my head on the headrest wanting to sleep a little to escape the pain for a while.
"Cupcake, wake up" a hand stirred me and I groaned.
"Leave me alone" I snapped at the voice wanting to sleep more.
"We are at your house" the voice said again making me open my eyes slowly.
I rubbed my eyes before staring around.
Asher's face was the first thing I saw and I looked around. I covered my yawn with my hand and he moved back to allow me get out of the car.
He grabbed my backpack and I walked towards the door. I unlocked the door with my keys and entered the house.
I was almost hit with a spatula. "Seriously mom, if I was a burglar breaking into the house. You would have attacked me with a spatula" I said rolling my eyes and walked to the couch.
"Don't blame me. I wasn't expecting anyone and was to shocked to grab a better weapon" she pouted standing in front of me.
Asher entered and her eyes widened. "What are you both doing here? Did you skip school to come home and do_" she gasped like she couldn't even say the word and I scoffed. I tend to be a little cranky when the whole period thing kicks in.
"No Zara. Stephanie is on.. girl issues. She wasn't feeling too well so I brought her home" I laughed at the fact that Asher actually stuttered. That is something I thought I would never see.
"Sorry hun, how do you feel?"my mom asked crouching to my eye level.
"Bad" I replied and laid on the couch.
She glanced at her wristwatch and stood to her full height. "Sorry I wouldn't be able to stay with you. My shift starts in a few and you know how my boss is" she groaned and I sighed.
"Don't worry mom, I don't need help getting through this" I said and turned my back to her facing the couch.
I felt her kiss my hair. "I trust you to take care of her. One more thing, she tend to be grumpy so she might be weird" she whispered but I heard her anyway.
"Mom" I pouted turning to face them.
She gave me a sheepish smile and headed for the door. "I warned you Asher" she called out before stepping out.
I looked at him to see him staring down at him intently. "Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" I asked touching my face.
"Nope" he replied and I rolled my eyes.
"Then stop staring" I snapped and turned my face to the couch.
"Yup her mom is right. She is grumpy" he muttered and I snorted.
"You were suppose to be on my side" I said not looking at him.
I proceeded to sleep again to ease the pain.
I woke up to an empty house and glanced around. The door opened and Asher came in with bag of supplies. He dropped it on the counter and made his way over to me.
"You are awake. When did you wake up?"
"Just now"
"What is all that?"
"Things I figured out you will need"
He handed me a bag and I blushed at the content. "Tampons?"
"Yeah. I figured you ran out so I decided to get it for you"
I chuckled trying to imagine him shopping for tampons and I can also picture the weird looks he would have gotten. "It was so embarrassing. Girls kept staring at me. I had to ask one girl which one was the better product and the girl kept giggling. The cashier was worse. She said 'You are hot and caring. Your girlfriend was be a lucky bitch'. Then this old woman was staring at me and smiling weirdly" he said sitting beside me on the couch and I hugged him.
I like him so much. I know how weird it would be for a guy to be shopping for tampons and he did that for him.
I wrapped my hands around his torso and he wrapped his around my waist. He buried his head in my hair before kissing it. "You are the best boyfriend"
"You aren't acting grumpy again, thank God" he said pulling back and I giggled.
"It is just one of the mood swings when I am in the mood. That totally rhymed" I clapped my hands together grinning and he just looked amused.
"Why don't you change into more comfy clothes and take a relaxing bath?"he asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"They said it helps with the pain" he said and I nodded in understanding.
He helped me up and I walked to my room. I grabbed his hoodie and sweatpants from my wardrobe. I just love wearing his clothes. I am already making a collection of it with the amount of his clothes in my wardrobe.
I took a long relaxing bath and it really helped sooth the pain.
I put on my crocs and headed back out.
He wasn't sitting on the couch so I joined him. I laid my head on his laps and closed my eyes feeling his hands in my hair.
He pull my hoodie a bit up making me open my eyes then I felt something warm on my stomach. I raised my head a bit confused to see a water bottle lying on my tummy. I laid back on his lap and raised an eyebrow staring up at him. "I heard it helps" he replied.
"What do you wanna do?" he asked and I quickly sat up.
"Let's watch Friends" I said with a grin and he mirrored my expression. We both love watching Friends, it is kinda our thing. It is more fun to watch him with him. Everything is better with him.
He hands me a tub of ice cream and a bag of Doritos. He had a bag of Cheetos. I opened the bag and laid my head on his shoulder. He started the show and I smiled feeling content with him.
It is a feeling that I get anytime I am with him. I always thought my life was complete without boys drama but boy I was wrong. He completes me and I finally get him after all this time. He is committed and I am the only girl in his life. This is perfect and I want it to stay this way. I don't want anyone or anything to jinx this.
"I am totally shipping this two" I said and filled my mouth with the Doritos. I am on my third bag right now and my second tub of ice cream. Why haven't I tried this before? Junks and this water bottle thing is working like magic. I can barely feel the pain and that is all thanks to my Asher.
That feels so good to say.
"How did you get all this idea?" I am actually curious to know how he managed to do all of this.
"I googled it since I didn't like seeing you in pain" he replied and I smiled up at him. "You are too sweet" I replied and pinched his nose lightly.
He chuckled and I just moved back a little to stare at his face.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"he said and I smiled.
"Just lucky to have you in my life"
"You should be" he replied with a smug look and I slapped his arm. He winced and rubbed the place like I hit him hard. That is impossible so I know he is faking it. He pulls me closer to him, our bodies now pressed together. I can feel the heat of his skin making me warm instantly. He is always warm anytime we are so close together. He trailed his hand through my face. He brushed it over my forehead then my nose and finally my lips. I shiver at the contact and want him to stop this torture. He should just go ahead and kiss me already. He brushed his lips over mine with a smirk and was about to pull away. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me. Our lips met instantly and I might have been the one to initiate the kiss, but he was clearly the one in control. His hand moved from my face to the back of my head as he buried his fingers in my hair and pulls me closer. His other hand wrapped around my waist and splayed against my back. I let myself relax into his body, as I straddle his lap, my chest pressed against his, my arms wrapping around his neck.
The kiss deepens, taking on a life of its own as our bodies come to life with each other. Our breath merges, and the urgency of our need dances through our skin, infecting us with wild abandon.
I grip his neck harder, my fingers tugging on his hair, my desire clawing through me like a starving creature in need of air, life.... him.
I sure I am feeling this way because my hormones are all over the place.
He tasted of Cheetos and the soda he just had, and his scent was messing with my head. I can't get enough of him, of this, of everything I feel when I'm with him.
His hands explored my body, and I push myself closer to him, adjusting myself on top of him. He moved from my mouth to my neck and ear, kissing, nibbling, sucking. I groaned against him, my face buried in his neck. He lifted me effortlessly and repositions us so that I'm on my back. He leans over me, his body pressed between my legs.
"Fuck" he pulled away and his eyes were darkened. "I am going to need a cold shower" he said and walked away.
Damn that was insane. Why have we never done that before? I am not ready for the next step yet but we need to make out like this more.
You are so unbelievable.
He is boyfriend so we can do this.
It has been more than a month since we have been together. He hasn't been persistent on us having sex and have been patient with me respecting my decision. With his past, you would think he couldn't do without going at it for a week. I still pinch myself when I wake up with him beside me still finding it hard to believe. I thought we wouldn't last like everyone kept saying. I wasn't ready to give myself to him yet but he proved those assumptions wrong. He hasn't pressured me to do anything and this is the first time we actually went that far. I really like the way he make me feel, one touch ignites my whole body.
I blushed not believing how wildly we just acted.
You are turning into a baddie.
And I like it.
You are really changing.
He still hasn't come back making me laugh at his misery. I really do affect him so much. I grabbed my phone which was the table to see I had unread messages from my friends. School ended an hour ago so they should have gotten home by now. I was too lazy to text so I got up. I heard the shower running as I passed the bathroom. I entered my room and grabbed my laptop. I grabbed my AirPods also and headed back out.
I decided to FaceTime them and plugged in my AirPods. I don't trust those girls to not say something embarrassing which I wouldn't want Asher to walk in on.

Hey girls - S
Hi - L
How are... is your lips swollen ? - Am
I ran my hands over my lips still feeling the tingles from the kiss. I blushed and groaned thinking I made a mistake FaceTiming them.
OMG! Is Asher there? You had cramps and actually ditched school. Instead of sleeping the pain away,you both are going at it like bunnies- Ag
She is blushing so I am sure something happened. Spill girl - R
Nothing..happened - S
Your face and tone doesn't agree with that. Gist us already- Am
It was just a hot make out session- S
I am sure my whole face was red at this point as I replayed the whole thing in my head. I am glad I decided to use AirPods.
Lucky you! He must be so good, is that even a question? He is the most sought guy in school and there is a reason he is that - L
It was good as always - S
Have you guys done the deed yet? - Am
Nope - S
What is stopping you guys?- Ag
I think it has to do with me. Not sure I am ready for that yet. - S
Why? - Am
I don't even know and I am not sure if he is disappointed that I can't give myself to him- S
I watched Lily devour a banana and Rose was lying on her bed. Amanda was petting her cat and Angela was twirling in her chair.
Asher is understanding so I am sure he wouldn't hold that against you - R
I don't want to lose him - S
I whispered actually scared of losing him. What if he actually wants us to but he doesn't want to force me into doing anything I don't want to do. What if he decides to break up with me because of that? Tears pricked in my eyes at that thought and I blinked it back. I don't want to lose him now that I just got him.
Give it time girlfriend- L
You can't lose. Don't know what is stopping you from devouring that hottie - Am
I giggled at that and liked the way she is trying to cheer me up. I played with my bracelet which gives me some kind of reassurance .
Wow Amy - S
Well... - Am
She trailed off and gestured behind me. The other girls also have a shocked look making me turn. Asher was standing there in only his sweats. Technically, his upper body is shirtless and my friends can see him. I glanced back at them to see them with their mouths opened.
I rolled my eyes knowing what kind of fine specimen my boyfriend is.
See you girls in school tomorrow- S
I rushed out and quickly hang up. I removed my AirPods and closed my laptop. I placed it on the table and turned to him. "How long have you been standing there?" I couldn't help but ask bitting my lips.
His eyes darkened watching me do that and I quickly stopped fiddling with my fingers instead. "I was in the kitchen not wanting to interrupt your conversation. I couldn't help but eavesdrop when you mentioned a hot make out session" he smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. His biceps flexed at the movement and I swallowed hard.
"Okay" I replied and turned away from him. He settled beside me and turned me to face him. He put a finger under my chin to tilt my head up. "You know that I would never force you to do anything you aren't ready to do. I am not with you just for sex. This can be a sexless relationship and I wouldn't mind. I like you and I am in this for real. Do you trust me?"he asked and I nodded not thinking twice.
I do trust him and all his words.
"I know. I am just felt insecure" I replied fiddling with my fingers.
"When you have doubts, let's talk it out. Don't keep things bottled up inside you, that is the only way this can work" he gestured between us and I nodded.
I hugged him tight closing my eyes. He ran his hand up and down my back. I buried my head in his chest and placed my hands on his abs.
They are so hard and damn this feels right. I wanted to run my hands through his chest and also want to subtle about it. This muscles will be the death of me.
That will be a meaningless death.
"Just tell me you want to touch me cupcake, you don't need to hug me to do that" his laugh was muffled because his head was buried in the crook of my neck. It was beautiful and it was my favorite sound. I like the sound of his heartbeat, the way it thumps loud when I am closer to me. Mine also does the same. I don't have to be close to him for that to happen, his presence alone causes that to happen.
I was just worried for nothing. "I wasn't trying to touch you" I lied and didn't dare raise my head from his chest.
"Whatever rocks your boat girlfriend"
"Stop making me feel embarrassed Ash" I said and he pulled me away from his chest. "Do you just call me Ash?"he asked and I nodded.
"Well you call me cupcake and I am been meaning to find a unique name to call you. It isn't anything special but I like Ash better than Asher" I blurted out and he kissed my cheek.
"Well I am better at nicknames than you cupcake" he said chuckling and I scoffed.
"Let's finish this episode" he said and I nodded.
"And I would like you to get a shirt on. I wouldn't want my parents to walk in on us like this" I said turning to face the tv so he wouldn't see through my lie.
"I know you are distracted by me. You have to admit it or I wouldn't put a shirt on" he said smirking as I turned back to him. I can practically feel the heat from his body and it is making me feel things I didn't know I was capable of feeling.
"Fine! You affect me Ash. So can you do me a favor and kindly put a shirt on" I plastered on my best smile and he smiled.
"I would have said no but you asked nicely" he said and grabbed a hoodie from the back of the chair.
He put it on and I sighed finally breathing well. "I love the way I affect you so much" he whispered into my earlobe and kissed it. I shuddered and put my hand on my racing heart.
The movie was playing but my mind was in turmoil. He really knows how to mess with my head. My menstruated cramps was long forgotten and this Adonis clouded my every thought. This moment with him are the best moment of my life.
He came with drama but I wouldn't erase this from my life ever.
I don't know what the future holds but Asher Bianchi would always hold a special place in my heart.

More lovey dovey scenes! Their cuteness is making me feel jealous.
The part of him getting her tampons is so lovely.
I need to get someone like Asher.
Who is your favorite character so far? I still love Asher the most.
Her friends knows how to embarrass her best. Do you have friends like them that know how to embarrass you?

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