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Day 3 of being his girlfriend.
This day started like any other day just that it was my friends dragging me out of bed not my mom.
They decided to sleep over until Monday to help me dress for my first school appearance as the GOLDEN BOY'S girlfriend. Their words not mine.
I still think this is unnecessary.
"This is unnecessary guys" I groaned for the nth time as my clothes are littered on the bed. "It isn't. We have gotta show those nice curves so he would know what he is getting into"Amanda said and I groaned more.
I grabbed a bathrobe and headed to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower.
Putting on the robe and wrapping my hair in a towel, I headed back to my room to see Angela holding up an outfit.
Thank goodness for sales and Target, I have got nice looking outfits.
She was holding a white shirt and sleeveless cardigan with black leather pants. "This looks good" I commented making her smile.
"Put it on" she ordered and I put it on.
I looked like a badass and completed the look with my Nike Air Force.
"Now you look good. Asher doesn't know what is coming for him" Lily squealed making me smile.
Yesterday was nice, we texted for six hours. It was about random things.
We gossiped a bit about the teacher and I am surprised how much he knows about them.
He told me a bit about Italy.
You will really like it there
His words and I really wanna see the big country one day.
"We just have to do your makeup" Lily said and I scanned them.
They were in some sort of bathrobe.
"Are you guys not going to shower?" I asked looking at the mirror.
"While you were busy sleeping your ass off, we were doing that" Angela said and I gasped. These girls wake up so damn early.
Not everyone is like you.
"Do I really need to wear makeup?" I grumbled and they rolled their eyes at me. I would love to just apply my lipgloss and head out.
Lily brought out her kit and got started on my face. Thank goodness she didn't do much. She just applied black lipstick, lined my eye with black color and some mascara. She just let my hair down.
They went to get ready while I put my things in my backpack.
I headed outside to see my mom preparing breakfast. "Good morning mom" I hugged her from behind kissing her cheeks and she turned.
"Good morning hun" she pulled away and scanned my outfit.
"You look really good" she gasped making me raise an eyebrow at her. Does she mean I don't look good everyday?
"You do, it is just that today is very different. Relationship is beautiful" I smiled agreeing with her.
My life is falling into place. I got the guy I have been crushing on. I am glad for the changes in my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
She went back to flipping pancakes and I went to the dining room. "Morning aunt" my friends chorused as they come to sit beside me.
"Morning girls, hope you slept well?" my mom asked and they nodded with a smile.
My bed wasn't big enough to contain us so my mom gave us extra blankets to spread on the floor.
Amanda and Lily slept on the bed. Angela,Rose and I were comfortable sleeping on the floor.
I love that they love me for who I am? They were comfortable to stay in my house for three days despite the standards. They have got soft, comfy beds but they had to endure all that for me.
I wouldn't trade them for anything.
My mom placed five plates on the table. We thanked her before digging in. I don't have to hurry to get to the bus station today because my friends are dropping me off. "I can't wait to see Katrina's face" Amanda giggled and we joined in.
"She is always talking about how they both like each other" Rose scoffed.
"She is going to get the shock of her life because my girl here got the guy" Angela said smiling.
"I am so happy for you" Lily squealed.
"Now it is just down to Amanda and Rose" Angela said and the people in question scoffed.
"We can go on triple dates" Angela squealed and I just smiled.
We finished the food after a while. Amanda and I quickly washed the dishes. "Mom we are heading out" I raised my voice so she can hear because she is in her room.
"Have a nice day at school girls. It was nice having you guys over" my mom said and hugged us each.
"We love it here aunt" Amanda said and my mom smiled.
"Bye" my mom said and we walked out.
Amanda was the one that drove the girls over so we all piled into her car.
She turned up the radio to high level and we sang to it. People driving beside us must think we are crazy or something because we were so loud.
She pulled up to an empty space in school and we got out. I strapped my bag to my back and stared at the school. "Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it in my bones" Angela inhaled deeply and I snorted lowly. She dusted imaginary dust from my clothes and winked at me. "Let's get this show on the road" she squealed and I just took a deep breath.
Last week I was just Single Stephanie but now I am dating the most popular boy in school.
Every girl heartthrob!
I should get ready to make lots of enemies and get those judgmental look.
I walked in and headed to my locker to get my books out.
I have got biology with Mrs Molly and I can't afford to be late.
A hand snaked around my waist and I didn't jump even though it was unexpected. That familiar cologne made me feel at peace. Electricity was jolting through the hand contact. "Hey girlfriend" his voice said next to my ear making me turn to face him still in his embrace. I put my hand around his neck to steady myself because I will never get used to this new feeling, territory. He is actually mine and I can do anything with him. His eyes scanned my outfit and I badly wanted his comment about it even though my friends told me I look good. "I love this style. You look beautiful" I grinned at his compliments.
I scanned his outfits realizing we are almost matching.
White shirt paired with sleeveless jacket and some brown pants with white Adidas sneakers. "We are almost matching" I gasped and he flashed me that smile that always makes my heart flutter.
The bell rang and I pouted not wanting to leave his embrace.
School! The place you love so much, you seriously want to ditch it because of a guy? Should you be rethinking this?
I bit my lips at that thought. I can balance both of them pretty well. School and Relationship. People do it,so can I.
"You have to get to class so you wouldn't be late. Wait for me in your last class before lunch, I want to accompany you to lunch" he pecked my cheeks and walked away. Now that we are dating, we can share kisses every now and then right? So why not is he depriving me of those perfectly sculpted lips.
Class! Remember?
Shit! I scurried off to my next class and composed myself before opening the door. The teacher was in seat scanning the class as I walked in.
Thank goodness she didn't call me out or reprimanded me. I don't really like such attentions in class. Everyone staring at me and taking a delight in my pain always set me on the edge.
"Hey"I said to Rob as I slid next to him. This is the only class I get to bond with him.
"Congratulations, I heard you and Asher are together now"he whispered so the teacher wouldn't hear him.
"We are" I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.
"We must have the don't hurt our girl look talk" he smirked and I groaned.
"We didn't have that talk when you and Angela started dating" I grumbled.
How would he feel if they have the dumb talk with him.
"You did. You gave me a look as if to say don't hurt my friend and then you stabbed your salad like you were implying that is what is going to happen to me if I ever did that" he chuckled a bit and I muffled my giggle with my hand.
I am such a weirdo. I would do anything for my girls. "Amanda and Lily went with the big talk. Rose just gave me a silent underlying nod. You girls are scary when you want to be" he whispered yelled and the teacher turned to scan the class probably due to the noise. We are lucky she didn't know it was us or we will be getting detention right now.
I focused on what the teacher was saying and wrote down the note.
The bell rang and I heard a lot of grateful sighs making me smile.
"Until next class"I packed my things and waited for Rob to do the same even though we have individual classes.
"See you at lunch" I said to him and walked in the direction of my next class.
Three more to finish!
I couldn't hide the smile that appear on my face when the teacher started talking about the new assignment. "You have to do it and submit next class_" I tuned the rest out and just couldn't wait for the damn bell.
I noticed that a lot of people were staring at me in this class and the last one. They will stare and whisper among themselves.
I was confused and feeling a bit suffocated. Has Katrina spread a bad rumor about me? That is the logical reason I can come up for all this.
I am still happy to be meeting my boyfriend after this.
The bell finally made its entrance making squeal in my head. The teacher was talking but I couldn't hear her. I was already packing my things and making my way outside.
I saw him leaning against the wall and going through his phone.
I made my way over to him and the whispers got louder. "Hi" I said holding my backpack on one shoulder.
"Hey" he smiled and kissed my cheek.
He glared hard at my back and I turn to see him glaring at the people waiting to see what is going on. The glare seemed to do the trick as they hurried out of here.
"Lunch?" he asked or stated and I nodded. He held out his hand and I slipped my small hand into it.
I am just noticing how my hand fits perfectly with his. His hands were all big and soft over mine.
Did I expecting anything other than that?
We walked towards the cafeteria and I could hear some gasps and whispers that met my ear this time.
So the rumors are true

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