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"Asher, shoot"

"I am open"

"You've got this man"

I bounced then shoot. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins and I loved the smell of victory.
I stole the ball and shoot into the basket wanting to end this once and for all.
The coach blew the whistle signaling the end of the match.
"That was terrific" a guy I couldn't remember his name said as we did the bro handshake.
"Thanks" I said and continued shaking hands.
The coach gestured for us to come over.
We formed a circle and he stood in the middle.
"That was manageable guys but you have got to try harder. The national is for the best and you boys better train hard. You must win that trophy. Do you understand?" he asked looking around and I scoffed at his remark.
"I think I asked you boys a question" he sneered. "Do you understand me?" his voice boomed through the court.
"Yes coach" we yelled back and he nodded his head.
"You can leave now" he dismissed and I walked out.
"I don't think the day this man would fully appreciate our effort is coming"Daniel said beside me and I chuckled at that.
That man hasn't got any appreciating bone in his body.
"We have won so many trophies for this school and I have never heard him say how proud he is of us" Matthew groaned leaning against the entrance of the boy's locker room.
"That is never going to happen" I piped in and they nodded agreeing.
I walked to my locker and grabbed fresh clothes.
One of perks being the captain is that I have got my own bathroom.
I headed to the shower and took a long refreshing bath.
I put on a grey shirt matching it up with blazer jacket and blue jeans with Nike sneakers.

"I have to meet with the chemistry teacher so see you later man" Matthew said as I got out. We did the bro hug and he left. "I have something to do so see you later" Daniel said and left.
I have got a free period now so I can just head to the art room to paint.
I walked for a while before spotting her.
She was alone and was bitting her lips.
Fuck! She has gotta stop doing that.
She looked so stunning from afar. I don't know what it is about her that makes me feel all this shitty feelings. I give it to her hands down that is she is very pretty than any girl I have ever met. She doesn't have to try to hard for that. She likes to keep it natural and simple.
I loved the way the denim jeans hugged her ass and the crop top revealing some skin around her stomach.
No girl has ever made me feel like this.
What on earth is she doing to me?
I approached her and walked beside her.
She hasn't even noticed me yet. I stood in front of her and she almost crashed into me. She looked up and blushed slightly.
"Sorry, didn't see you there" she said and fiddled with her fingers.
"What were you thinking about?" I asked leaning against the locker behind me.
"The counselor just told me that colleges has sent out the early decision. By 4pm today, I will know my fate" she muttered out and I nodded in understanding.
"And you think you wouldn't get into any?" I asked knowing what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. She nodded confirming my observation.
I moved from the locker and stand close to her. I tilted her chin up to look at me. "You are the most brilliant person I have ever met. How would you not get in? Any school will be lucky to have you" I made sure to reflect honesty in my eyes as she smiled up at me.
"Thank you" she grinned out making me smile.
There is the smile I love. I only want to see her happy. When she's sad, I wanna be the one to cheer her up.
Why is she making me like I have the responsibility to look after her?
What has she done to me?
I haven't even hooked up with any girl in the past few weeks. They approach but I reject them feeling like I am doing something wrong to sleep with them.
"Where are you going?" I asked ditching plans to go to the art room.
"The library" I finally noticed the textbooks she was holding.
"I will escort you since I have a free period" I like the idea of spending more time with her and I felt happy when she nodded.
"Great" she smiled at me.
We walked side by side to the library. I have never been there before. I have never had any reason to be here. I have got better things to do in my free time than waste it here.
We walked in and she chatted for a while with the librarian who keeps staring at me. "What are you doing here?" she asked with a suspicious look making me scoff.
"What do they do in the library?" I retorted and she glared at me.
Stephanie shook her head at me and I headed to the back.
I spotted a plush cushions and laid down on it. I took out my phone and headphone.
I started a playlist and hummed to it as I went through my phone.
I looked up to see her watching me with her hands on her hip. I could only focus on how that simple action looks sexy.
I removed the headphone and arched an eyebrow at her. "You were rude to her" she said and I groaned.
So that's what this is all about.
I sit up and faced her. "She knew what was coming for her. What kind of question was that? I am not here to fuck a girl in the library" I said feeling slightly annoyed at the question.
I have concluded that I don't like the woman but she seems to.
"She was just curious. Everyone is, didn't you see them staring at you?" she asked taking a seat beside me and I hummed in response.
I laid back down but this time on her laps. "What are you doing?" she asked shocked at my action.
"Taking a nap" I mumbled and put my headphone back on.
"Do you want me to drop you home and stay with you? If you don't want to check alone" I asked not opening my eyes.
"That is great. Thank you very much" I couldn't see her face but I know she was smiling.
"Cool" I said before taking an actual nap.
I moaned in delight as I felt a hand running through my hair almost massaging it.
The action was soothing and almost drew me back to sleep.
I forced my eyelids to open and was met with two blue eyes staring down at me.
She jumped lightly definitely not expecting me to wake up now.
"Watching me in my sleep, are we?" I smiled and heat creeped onto her face probably in embarrassment. "I liked the feeling of your hands in my hair. You should do that again someday" I allowed my smirk to take over her face and she blushed more.
Looks like I haven't lost my charm after all. She isn't all immune to my charms.
I sit up and removed the headphone.
I checked my phone for the time and realized closing time was an hour ago. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I am suppose to be calming her fucking nerves but I slept instead.
"You were sleeping soundly so I didn't want to wake you up" her voice dropped down an octave as she fiddled with her fingers. "I wanted to comfort you but I did the complete opposite and it is almost 4pm so we need to go" I said standing up quickly and waited for her to grab her things.
I had a few messages from the boys asking me where I was.
Texting them quickly I was with Stephanie as I waited for her to finish packing her things.

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