Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"How are you, Arden? I am so sorry for surprising you," Zee apologized, both of us in a separate room while Hal and the others form a plan to locate Mariano. All I knew was that Mariano disappeared and he has not come home for three days now, which is the reason why I am so fucking worried and close to having a panic attack, not to mention that Zee, the person who saved me years ago, who I actually thought was dead, is alive.

"I thought you died. You didn't know how much I..." I swallowed hard and Zee offered me an apologetic gaze.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"Tell me everything. What happened years ago and where in the hell is Mariano? I can't have him dying; I know I can raise the baby alone but there's no fucking way that I'll let him take the easy route because we should raise baby bean together and you better start talking before I bawl my eyes out, Zee!" I cried out, with Zee scrambling to find some tissue boxes and a bottle of water. He ran to the drawers and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw a box of tissue and checked the fridge for water.

I grabbed them, wiped my tears and sipped on the water. "I'm feeling okay now, thank you. Please begin."

Zee nodded. "When we met, I was on a mission. I purposely let myself get captured in order to see the face behind the mask of that ruthless man. You, however, were a welcome addition."

"Hold up; I think it's the opposite. Didn't I ruin your plan?"

Zee shook his head. "I couldn't find the right timing to attack because I was told to be patient. But I was waiting in that warehouse for weeks now, and I was getting irritated. One by one, carriers were dragged out obediently. It was only you who tried to rescue us. Because of what you did, the masked man was lured out of his hiding place. I was able to see who he was, Arden. And it's because of you, so I owe you a huge debt."

I was speechless. That memory was so painful to me that I got nightmares, but for Zee, it was a defining moment for him. It was a good memory for him.

"What happened after?"

"After I threw the smokescreen, I had the others escape and I had to deal with the remaining goons. That masked man escaped but I was able to commit to memory his ugly face. It was a success, in a way. Our clan spread the sketch I drew of him and it turned out that he had a huge bounty on his head, courtesy of my fiance. He still gets mad whenever he remembers this story because I got hurt, but it was only a graze. Nothing fatal," Zee assured me when I threw him a worried look.

"You bled a lot, Zee. Don't try to change the story," someone interjected and a tall man with Japanese descent entered. He looked so serious and dangerous, and I am exposed to a lot of dangerous people, so that's saying something. "Also, you are leaving out the important bits. You left your backup and you went all alone. If what you intend to achieve was suicide, you should've committed seppuku. That way, you'll die with honor and dignity," the man gritted out, clearly displeased with Zee's past decisions.

Zee rolled his eyes and ignored the newcomer. "As I was saying, I am very grateful for you, Arden. You're the missing cog that turned my plan into motion." The man just sighed and glanced at me, but this time, his expression has softened.

"I don't know what to say. I appreciate that. I thought that I just ruin things so..." As much as I try to forget all those painful insults hurled at me by none other than my father, it resurfaces once in a while.

"That's bullshit, Arden. Whoever told you that is projecting himself on you and does not deserve an ounce of your time. Do you want me to kill him for you?" The newcomer asked bluntly, without a hint of playfulness. Zee guffawed and tried his best to stifle his laughter.

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