Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Arden, Tyler's looking for you," I heard Aunt Becca from behind my door as I remained in my bed for two days now. Maybe three days? I'm not sure. Ever since I escaped from Mr. Il Volo, I didn't go out of my room. I don't want to risk the chance and have my ass thrown into jail.

"How sure are you that he's Tyler, Aunt Bec? He could be someone who's out to get me, Auntie. Don't let him in!" I have seen several movies to be convinced that it's easy nowadays to pretend to be someone. They don't need to undergo surgery to change their face; modern technology got them covered.

"He's inhaling the baked mac I just made. If that's not Tyler, I don't know who that is," Aunt Becca deadpanned and I heard the retreating footfalls. I jumped out of bed, freshened up, and made my way downstairs. That is definitely Tyler.

If he was a prey in the jungle, he could easily be captured if you just baited him a bowl of baked mac. Sometimes, I worry about him. He could easily be lured by someone who has a restaurant whose main menu is baked mac. I bet he's willing to go with a stranger if the latter promised Tyler unlimited food.

True to her words, Tyler was chomping on the freshly-baked cheesy mac. The tray was on the counter and Tyler sat next to it. It was as if someone will steal his food if he doesn't sit closer to it. He lifted his head when he sensed my presence and heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's just you. I thought Aunt Bec will snatch my fave from me," he replied after swallowing a spoonful of baked mac.

I headed to the fridge and poured orange juice, then grabbed the toasts Aunt Bec prepared for my PB&J. She's so thoughtful and considerate. She always makes sure that whatever we need will be within our arm's reach. For sure, she woke up earlier than usual to prepare the baked mac because she knew that Tyler is coming. Tyler never fails to inform Aunt Becca if he's stopping by. I guess it's his way of telling Aunt Becca that a feast should be prepared.

"Why are you here? Don't you have work?" I sat on the chair in front of him and put strawberry jam on my toast. I then spread the peanut butter on the other one.

"I'm worried about you, Arden. You didn't call me since that time in the gallery." I put my toasts together and arched my brow at Tyler. "Fine, I'm craving some baked mac, okay? I'm short on money so I'm so happy that Aunt Bec has made enough to accommodate me."

He made it just for you, Ty. No one eats baked mac in this house.

"Anyway, tell me what happened. Aunt Bec told me that you locked yourself in your room. Did Mr. Il Volo do something to you? Should I beat him up for you?" Tyler asked with a deep frown and exposed his slightly toned arms. I bet it will break if someone grabbed it forcefully.

"I... appreciate the offer, Ty, but I care for you. Also, I don't have enough money to pay for your hospital bills. Do you have insurance?"

Tyler parted his lips and a soft gasp escaped from his mouth. "The audacity! I will not take this insult lightly, Arden. I am offended!"

I hummed and took a mouthful of my sandwich. Gosh, it's so good. I will never get sick of this. "Do you want to show him who's the boss? I'm not stopping you. After all, I will not be the one who will end up broken and bruised in the hospital. From what I can recall, he also has a bodyguard with a muscular build. I bet he can take you on before Mr. Il Volo--"

"Uhh..." Tyler blinked and chuckled breathlessly. "It's the thought that counts, right? You love me anyway, right?"

"Of course, silly," I giggled softly and Tyler's expression lit up and he also laughed a little. "Do you want to know what happened?" He pushed the tray of baked mac aside and gave me his undivided attention. "Okay, so what happened was..."

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