Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"You hugged him and let him kiss you?" Tyler almost screamed in surprise when I gave him a report after my first week in Mariano's estate. I don't blame him; I am repulsed by a man's touch, but for some reason, Mariano is also an exception. I am currently lounging in the mansion's library. Towering shelves of books are alphabetically arranged per topic, wooden tables with comfortable seats, centralized aircon to keep the room cool, and there's also a small pantry where I can freely make some snacks.

Aside from that, there is an area that I marked as my own, my comfy little corner. There's a mini laptop desk sitting on what seems to be an expensive kind of rug. Fluffy pillows were strategically placed to support my back. I also have a mini-shelf where I put my picks for the week. Since it is near the window, natural light floods in, making the ambiance vibrant and cozy.

"Is it because I think of him as a friend?" Is that the reason why I feel comfortable with Mariano? 

"Think about it, Ty. That's the only logical reason. I'm comfortable with you and River because I treat you as family. Maybe the same goes for Mariano; I treat him as a friend."

Tyler looked pensive, unconvinced at my premise. "That's strange. Weren't you stalking him a few weeks ago because you want him as your sperm donor?"

"And? I'm not following your point." I reached for my matcha-flavored donut and hummed in satisfaction at the exquisite taste.

Tyler scratched his brow in frustration. "Arden, don't you like him? Romantically speaking, and not as a friend," he added, knowing how I will respond.

"Hmm? Not really. Sure, I follow him around but that's because of his superior genes."

"Wow. That's cold, but I understand where you are coming from. Anyway, can you tour me around the house?" Tyler asked and did his signature puppy-eyed look. Tyler is correct though. What I said was harsh, but this deep-seated trauma cannot heal in a snap. My distrust towards other people, especially men, is deep, and no one has proven me wrong, except Tyler and River. Still, they are not enough to convince me that not all men are the same.

"No problem. Wait a sec." After wiping the sides of my mouth, I got on my feet and reversed the phone camera so he can see the enormous library-slash-study. Gasps of surprise and admiration slipped out of Tyler's lips while I smiled full of pride, as if I own it. In the middle of pointing out to Tyler which books I find fascinating and binge-worthy, I heard a soft knock.

Following the sound, I snapped my head to the door and saw Mariano leaning on the door frame. He was donning a black shirt paired with black pants that hugged his body perfectly, and as always, with an amused smirk prepared for me.

"Hey, pretty. Good morning. How you doin'?" He flashed his signature smile and threw a wink while he's at it.

With a slight grimace, I shook my head. "Please don't do that. It doesn't suit you."He chuckled lowly and pushed his body from the frame.

"What suits me then?" An amused grin was still plastered on his lips. I don't know why, but I found myself forming a small smile on my lips.

"Just do what you always do, you know. Cold and distant, 'I despise commitment' kind of guy," I referred to his interviews, which have been a source of my entertainment. It turned out that Mariano has two personalities: cold and distant to people he doesn't care about, and chill and playful to someone he's close to. When I noticed that, I didn't mind his teasing and just dismissed them.

He rolled his eyes, and from behind him emerged a medium-sized sunflower. I couldn't hide the squeal and almost ran to him to receive it, but he just held it up with a raised brow. "What made you think that this is for you?"

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