Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


"Boss, you're awfully kind these days," Hal noticed, and he kicked one of the beaten-up bodies aside. We're in an abandoned building somewhere on the outskirts, away from public attention. This is where we usually do the dirty part of the operation. We have other locations, but this is the nearest to my mansion. Not that near, because it will take three hours of travel by land, but Hal drives fast. We can reach home in an hour.

I wiped the drops of blood that splattered on my cheek and straightened up my suit, only to frown when I noticed a small stain of red on my white shirt. "I need to change." I removed the stained shirt from my body and saw Hal throw me a clean one, which I caught smoothly. "What do you mean by kind? I just blew their brains out." I referred to the five bodies drowning in their own blood.

Hal sighed and changed his shirt too. His was bloodier because he made sure to beat up his target well before shooting them. "This is the reason why they target you, you know. These arrogant assholes don't know better," Hal remarked coldly, and he shot the one near him when he heard a gurgled groan.

When the news spread that I started to act low-key by disposing of my targets quickly, I seemed to give them the impression that I had become weak. "Where did they get the idea that I'm losing my touch? I just don't want to go home reeking of blood. Arden has become sensitive lately, and I don't want to subject him to several minutes of puking his guts out." I gestured to my men to clean everything up while I heard a small scoff from Hal.

"Okay, Boss," Hal said simply, and it caught my attention.

With a raised brow, I turned to him. "I'm serious, Hal. Seeing Arden pale and in pain does not sit well with me," I replied defensively, slightly irritated that Hal does not take my words as they are.

Hal blinked and nodded. "I got it, Boss." Hal turned his back on me and ordered his men to clean up the bloody floor.

With gritted teeth, I took three strides and stood beside Hal. "I'm serious. I'm just worried about Arden. Don't you see him? He's smaller than me and his frame. How can a loud voice come out of his small stature? And when he gets angry, I actually feel fear. Maybe a little." I remembered the day when we ran out of Arden's matcha cake.

He was in a very good mood that morning. All giggly and with shining eyes, he was holding the flowers I picked for him. He was glowing with a permanent smile on his face, humming so softly as I held my hand while we descended the stairs and into the kitchen. It must be because of the pregnancy; that's why he looks ethereal, and happiness is beaming off of him.

"Someone's on cloud nine today," I said with a smile, and I was graced with his giggles. I turned to him, and I witnessed how the edges of his eyes got smaller as he beamed at me. So beautiful! I almost said it out loud, but I managed to get a hold of myself. Shaking my head slightly, I smiled a little. Something must be wrong with me today.

"Of course! I was craving some matcha cake several hours ago, but I held myself back. You always nag me not to binge so much on sweets, especially during ungodly hours. Now, I am going to eat plenty," he said with a huff, giving me a challenging look.

"No complaint on my part, Arden. You can eat as much as you can but not to the point where you'll puke from overeating." It happened once, and he cried because his stomach hurt so bad from indigestion.

"That was one time, Mariano. You're never going to let me live it down, aren't you?" He quipped with an eye roll, and once we reached the kitchen, he bounced on his feet slightly and sat down. "Hal, where's my cake?"

Hal put down his coffee and went to the fridge. I can't believe that Arden managed to tame Hal. Hal is my personal bodyguard, and he's very lethal, but seeing Arden boss Hal around doesn't seem so bad. Hal only acts on my orders, but maybe Arden was able to tame this beast of a man.

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