Anything for My Sinclair

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A/N: Enid x Reader

Summary: Y/n is quite popular at Nevermore and when she starts to develop feelings for Enid, she tries her hardest to do anything and be around her.

reader's british cause why not <3

we bri-ish <3



Y/n's POV:

I'm walking down the hallway with my two mates, Ajax and Carter, planning out our next prank for the day. I'm so excited as I think we're planning to disrupt an exam which, yes, is a bad idea, but will be amazing to pull off if it all goes to plan.

"Bro, just get the shit man. I'll pay for it if I need too." I assure Carter, resting my hand on his shoulder and noticing him sigh as he shakes his head, looking away.

"It ain't just that. You know what Weems said last time." Carter attempts to remind me which I scoff at, waving it away as I remember.

"She didn't mean that, she loves our pranks." I reply, before looking over at Ajax. "Aye?"

"I don't even want dragged into this." Ajax comments which I groan at, rolling my eyes and letting my shoulders fall as I walk a little further ahead, noticing a little ray of sunshine walk around us and walk in front of us. "Hey, Enid." I hear him greet the girl, smiling and walking beside her.

"My god, the day has come." I begin, noticing Ajax and the girl turn to me. I exhale softly, covering my mouth pretending to tear up. "Our boy's all grown, ain't he? Look at him. Look at our little serpent go." I comment, hearing a laugh from Carter as he slowly nods his head and rests his hand over his heart.

"So emotional."

"Oh-oh, honey, look. It's his stern face, truly does love us." I add, pointing at Ajax's stern, unamused face. Him shaking his head while the girl stares at me and Carter in confused. Ajax rests his hand on Enid's back and beckons her away.

"Let's leave the delinquents alone." Ajax comments which I scoff at.

"Only gonna be a delinquent if I get caught which I haven't!" I shout after him, watching him and Enid walk away, whispering to one another and laughing. "Look! Look at that, just left us. Left us completely alone." I complain, shaking my head sarcastically before looking over at Carter to see him smile.

"You're an asshole."

"And you, my boy, are in dire need of some fun." I say, pulling out a cigarette. We head out to the garden of the school and go for a smoke only to see my favourite smart girl pass. "Oi, Weds." I call after her, her ignoring my presence. "Wednesday." I sing her name, following after her. "You alright love, you look proper cheery."

"Call me love and I can't guarantee your safety." Wednesday threatens, not even bothering to look at me as I finish my cigarette and flick it away, watching it fly away.

"Anyone ever tell you how darling you are?" I question, genuinely curious only for her to stop and sigh, her cold stare meets my eyes and I smile. "There's the face."

"What is it you feel so desperate to want to talk to me about?"

"Your furry roommate, she stole my mate away from me and I'm wondering what they are?" I ask, moving my right arm under my t-shirt and over my stomach, my t-shirt lifting slightly in the slight breeze but I didn't bother to try to hide my stomach.


"Hm." I hum in agreement.

"Friends, supposedly. Yet her constant gushing emotions make me feel nauseas, I want to throw up every time she begins to talk to me about him." Wednesday confesses as she looks away from me, her arms folded across her chest and I nod my head.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz