Changed Her Mind

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Emma is cast for a movie along-side the famous Y/n L/n. Emma decides to do some digging on her and when she finds out that in an interview, she thinks that you can't make real friends in the acting industry among other things causing her to try extra hard to befriend her when they are co-stars causing an unexpected thing to happen.

Reader's g!p + top surgery

just to let you know, instead of posting everyday, i'm gonna try post less but make better one-shots, haha love you all <3



Emma's POV:

I'm sitting with my sisters, at a lunch as I'm catching up with them. I've really missed my sisters and my parents, they're my rock and I'm so excited to see all of them and catch up on everything only to receive a call from my agent. They all stare at my phone before looking at me excitedly.

"Oh my god, you've got the role." Isabel says, covering her mouth and squealing, shaking me slightly.

"We knew it. Called it." Avery says, leaning back in chair and smiling widely.

"We know you've got it." Olivia comments, I roll my eyes, moving out of Isabel's warmth and answer the phone, moving it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer, hearing a slight squeal of excitement on the other line.

"You did it! You did it, I knew you could do it! You got the part, you will be going to Michigan in 3 months and have a table-read coming up in 2 months, here in Atlanta." My agent explains to me, my eyes lighting up with a wide smile tugging on my face.

"Oh my god, we did it! Thank you." I express to her, we both continue to discuss it slightly before hanging up and me and my sisters immediately beginning to squeal of excitement.

"I can't believe it, you get to work alongside Y/n L/n!" Avery's the first one to mention, causing another round of gasps from all 3 of them while I immediately cover my face. All of them getting up and hugging me.

"We're so proud." Olivia confesses, kissing my head and taking my hat off and messing with my hair.

"Well done, Em." Avery says, hugging me tightly before pulling away.

"Yeah, well done." Isabel expresses to me, resting her head on my shoulder before leaning away and continuing to eat her food that I got all of them. Avery and Olivia sit back down and we continue to discuss other things, me progressively filling with excitement.


It's later in the evening and I'm lying in my bed, looking at videos on YouTube, mostly interviews of Y/n. She's a very intriguing person, much more professional I realised. Maybe a little bit too professional to the point where she doesn't really know how to have fun. I listen to this one interview.

"Hi, it's good to see you." Y/n greets the interviewer, both of them shaking hands.

"Hi, how are you? "

"I'm okay, what's your name? " She asks, tilting her head slightly as she looks into the interviewer's eyes, very intensely to the point that even my breath would hitch like what the interviewer just did.

"Camilla." She answers, softly. Y/n hums as she adjusts on her spot and glances down before meeting the interviewer's eyes again and seeming entranced.

"Camilla, very pretty. I'm Y/n."

"Well— Haha, I know who you are. Uprising star." Camilla comments and Y/n only gives a bitter smile before not saying anything. "So, I wanted to discuss something with you." She expresses to her, Y/n nods her head lightly and adjusts in her stance.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now