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A/N: Emma x Reader

Requested by: legofan20

Summary: Emma and Y/n have a long distance relationship and they hadn't seen each other beside through their phones. They finally decide to meet each other and Y/n flies to see Emma. When they finally see each other, Emma tries to kiss Y/n but struggles because of how tall Y/n is which makes her pout and Y/n finds funny. When they finally arrive at Emma's house, they cuddle and Emma finally gets the kiss she wanted all along.

Y/n's 6'5 + top surgery

Thank you so much for 9k! :)



Y/n's POV:

I'm playing with my guitar, playing random chords and having my headphones over my ears, swaying as I continue to listen to Mary by Alex G beginning to play along with the song as I mutter the lyrics under my breath.

I glance toward my phone as the song abruptly stopped. I move my headphones around my neck and see that my beautiful girlfriend, Emma Myers, is FaceTime's me.

I immediately answer, seeing her face light up and she smiles widely.

"Heyyy!!" She greets me, waving excessively, making me laugh at her enthusiasm to see me.

"Heyy!!" I greet her, trying to return the same enthusiasm. She smiles, kissing the camera.

"I miss you. I just got home from work right now, what are you up too? " She asks me as I watch her grab some water from her fridge and sit down on her couch.

"Just playing the guitar." I answer, casually. "How was your day though? Tell me about it." I say, setting my guitar down, grabbing my phone, lying down on my bed and beginning to comfortably listen to her day. I smile, watching her recount every event that happened and it seemed like a fun day for her on set.

It sucks she's so far away.

"So I was wondering..."


"—Shut up." Emma teases, making me laugh. She laughs, before clearing her throat and taking a deep inhale then looking back at the camera as she picks at something. "I just... I just wanted to ask you how you felt about, uhm, com—coming to see me...? " She asks, hesitant. I think for a moment, debating the idea.

"I mean, I'd—I'd love that idea. I just, I don't know, is that a good idea?" I ask her, curiously. Noticing her immediately look away when I go to look at the screen.

"I mean, I thought it would be but—but if you don't want too—"

"—No, I, I want too!" I confess, a little too eagerly, noticing her face light up. "I just don't wanna distract you from your work, you know?"

"Oh. Right. Yeah, no, I get that. But you won't. My friends will love to meet you." Emma tells me, nodding her head as a smile tugs on her lips. "I mean, if money is the issue—"

"—Em... it—it isn't money. I have the money saved up, I just... am scared I guess." I confess to her, noticing her eyes narrow.


"Yeah. Yeah, like, like, what if you're really busy and we don't get much time together which I understand but I'd just miss you a lot and it's not like I'd expect you to drop work for me but I'm just nervous that you would be so busy and we wouldn't get to see each other that much." I confess to her, trying to explain it well and choose my words wisely.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now