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Author's POV

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Author's POV

It had been less than a few days, yet it didn't take even a second for the Devil's mood to swing in a completely different direction. This time, however, the mood swings didn't feel temporary, they definitely weren't. It was as if something had come into light, from the very deep pits of darkness. Once again.

Memories buried deep down were opened up once again, similar to the box that Pandora had ended up unhinging.

Difference was, Pandora's story was known by everyone, but this one, was just known by a single entity.

Namjoon's days had been sorrow-filled, something that could be considered outright absurd, peculiar. It was concerning. Have you ever seen a Devil locked up in his room silent and with the key swallowed? His mind was constantly lost somewhere in his thoughts; it was stuck in their depth.

Sounds fake, right? It had been a rather long while since he had uttered a single word, or stepped his foot out of his room. He was too weak for that, nor had he any will for that.

He had lost his will to do anything.

These few days had been so sickening that even the fake smile on his face was too exhausted to appear like usual. Instead of roaming around to cause trouble in his free time, like he would always do. He was drowned in his study, concentrating on the growing effect of his dolls on the hopeless humanity. It was a good thing, definitely it was. He was being serious for once. It was just very unusual, he felt that too.

Things were beyond odd. But everything was a mess inside the Devil's head.

And so, to avoid the annoying lump in his throat and the aching in his chest that would make its appearance every once in a while, he found distractions, as many as possible. Distractions that were difficult and just too long. For instance, handling the kingdom affairs and the more royal stuff that was too boring to be talked about in detail.

Through this mess, Jimin was the only person who actually cared enough to thoroughly observe Namjoon's recent behaviour from behind. After all, he was a concerned friend, and it was his duty as a concerned friend to find the cause of his friend's remorse which had never arrived before, and to find out why it had arrived in the first place.

But everything made sense at the end when he heard the subtle sobs of the said Devil from the most unknown corners of the palace. It didn't matter how he did, but all of this answered why all of this happened in the first place.

Namjoon had been...Triggered.

It wasn't clear to any outsider as to what, or how, but seeing Jin's pain perhaps, opened the wounds of his own. And all these things brought back memories from centuries ago.

Memories that he had been buried deep, deep down inside his heart for so long.

And Jimin was the only one who knew what they were.

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