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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The two beings entered the exceptionally VIP club. It was one of the fanciest and most secure ones in the city. Specifically made for the celebrities and famous people that wanted to have a fun time, it was always hidden from the ears of commoners.

Namjoon was already hunting down for a prey he could release his frustration on tonight. But on the other hand, Jimin was practically loathing the entire setting.

He hated loud places with too many people packed together and such flashy lights. Basically, he hated places like clubs and the fact that he was forced into going to one was not helping. The poor man almost felt claustrophobic and his social anxiety was rising to its peak very quickly.

Jimin tightly hugged Namjoon's arm, wanting to hide away and find a sense of comfort. Meanwhile, the other man was distracted from his predatory senses as he looked down to see his best friend half-hugging him and hiding himself. He pulled the other male closer towards him in a reflex and fully hugged him even more tightly if possible.

"Is it becoming too much for you?" He asked caringly in his ear so that he could hear him.

Jimin took a shaky breath before nodding his head against his chest. He wasn't the weak type, but he really didn't have his social battery charged.

"Alright then, we can head out if you want."

"But you really wanted to come here..." Jimin mumbled sadly as he looked up at the male.

"It's fine, I can leave you at home and then come back here," he answered with a reassuring tone.

"No, no! Just walk me out of this place and then I will go home by myself," Jimin suggested as he tried his best to calm himself down.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm beyond sure, Namjoon," Jimin spoke sternly, making the said person to defeatedly nod his head in agreement with him.

They were just about to turn and head out of the club, Jimin's eyes unintentionally landed on the bar area of the place. And his breath practically left his body when he saw an extremely familiar silhouette sitting there.

It was as if on cue the figure turned around, revealing himself and at that point, Jimin felt like he was going to pass out.

It. Was. Min fucking Yoongi.

The Min Yoongi.

He was dressed black leather jacket with silver chains hanging loosely. Underneath it, was a thin skimpy tank top of the same colour but this one was a little ripped as well. He also wore some exaggeratedly ripped, light-coloured, and skinny jeans. To top it all off, he had thick necklaces and some accessories around his ears and fingers. At last, his messy mint hair truly added to everything.

This man was looking like how everyone saw him. A sexy fucking gangster. Attracting so many people, the tattoos were seriously the most intimidating but hot thing.

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