She's The One: Chapter 18

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"You sure an abandoned church is the place she gave you?" Rose ask's Ember after searching the place top to bottom "i put the coordinates in the gps and this is the only place that came up that matched with the coordinates" Ember replies "well we've been here waiting for the past 20 minutes im not waiting any longer, time to go" Rose say's but as they're about to leave they see two car's pull up outside "get in position it might not be who we're expecting" Ember say's. When the men walk in Ember and Rose pop up with guns pointing at them "who are you and what are you doing here" Ember asks as Mila walks in "they're with me Ember, lower your guns" Mila says "they're with you? this is the same man who ran into the alley today i thought he was with the police?" Ember asks with a look on her face "had to get out before the others came, his name is Vincent Fiera..he runs the Fiera crew down here in Cuba he got me out of a tough situation after i had a run in with the scorpions, seems to me we all have the same enemy that we want out of our lives for good" Mila replies. "ive heard lots of good things about you Ember, especially since she hasn't stopped talking about the love of her life since i met her when i tried to swing her way, she told me she already had someone back home that she would do anything for..even die for you she said" Vincent says while he sees Mila blush. "oh reaaaalllyyy? nice to know" Ember says with a sly smile. "So hows your progress going with eliminating the scorpions" Rose asks "well for the first month i trained Mila so she could defend herself a bit better so we did some group training and then i taught her how to properly handle a gun and how to shoot one without to much recoil, shes a quick learner i have to say. For the second month we started getting to work on cutting down the scorpions as much as possible before hitting they're main compound, seems to me they have compounds everywhere. We recently got information about something big real big soon happening, the scorpions are trying to take over the world turns out Elijah head of the CIA have been supplying them with guns, ammunition, even explosives so they can hit the world with everything they got, clearly Elijah just wants power and when he gets what he wants we're so good as dead so this is our plan" Vincent replies

moments later

"hold on so your telling want to contact Elijah..lead him into a trap and then get him to order every scorpion to an abandoned factory far away and blow them all up!?" Rose replies "how is that gonna work!? Elijah is the head of the CIA he has the whole department behind him, if he even suspects its a trap he's going to come for all of us Vincent" Ember says "thats why we need bait.." Vincent replies "no we're not using Mila" Ember replies "we dont..we want to use your brother Ember" Vincent says.

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