She's The One: Chapter 12

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After getting on the road for a couple of minute's all Zane could hear was the compound blowing up and smoke in the air, "I knew Andy and Ivor would come for predictable those two are" Xavier say's, "We had a deal Xavier! my leadership and execution for everyone's safety!" Zane replies, "It's not my fault that they came to get he-" before Xavier could finish Zane already has his hand's around the driver's neck, while the suv is swerving from one side to another, before they could haul Zane off of the driver the suv swerve's into a tree. By the time Zane get's out of the vehicle Xavier is already out and pointing a gun at him, "you didn't think you could kill me this easily did you brother?" Xavier say's while pulling the trigger but the gun jam's, "Shit!" Xavier say's while Zane tackles him to the ground and punches him, "i was never going to let you take leadership! you really think you're better than me? you think you ca-" before Zane could finish Xavier hit's him over the head with rock, when Zane get's up and grab's a gun Xavier is running away but that doesn't stop Zane from shooting at him and hitting him in the leg, before Zane could shoot again Xavier run's into the wood's just before a second suv of his is speeding toward's Zane, before they get close he shoot's at the tire's and hit's one as the van crashes into Xavier's. Just as Xavier's men get out of the van Zane shoot's all of them and the one's that were in Xavier's vehicle.

minute's later

"It say's Zane's just up here around this turn, slow down a bit it might be a trap" Andy say's, "Surely they believed we died in that explosion right? there's no way they know we saw the wire with c4 connected to it" Ember replies. As they come around the turn slowly they see a suv and bodies everywhere with a trail of blood leading into the wood's, "Shit! that blood trail might be from Zane" Ember say's, "It's not..the blood is coming from the passenger side, i saw them put Zane in the back which mean's..Zane got away from them but there's a downside to all these bodies remember the last time there were this many?" Andy replies, "I do..but you don't you?" Ember say's while looking at Andy with a worried face, "he's gone rogue which mean's he doesn't care what crew or what rule he has to kill or break to get information, we have to get to him before he get's himself killed" Andy say's with a worried look, "ok where do you think he's going to go first" Ember say's, "if i had to guess..your mom and dad's grave, he buried a bag full of gun's and ammo aswell as some explosives incase something like this ever happened, we just gotta hope we can get to him before he does anything irrational" Andy replies.

Hour's Later

When Andy, Ember and Ivor's crew arrive's at the grave yard they see a beat up suv parked at the entrance, "he's here, everyone spread out and search for him..don't forget he's still our boss so do not try and kill him put your gun's away" Andy say's as they split up to look for him. When Andy and Ember arrive at Ember's parent's grave they see Zane next to a bag and standing over the grave, "Zane..we know you're gone rogue..let's just take a minute to calm down and figure out how to save our family" Ember say's, "I use to think we could live in peace some day you know..I use to think that our parent's would still be here, watching us making them proud..but then Xavier happened and then the scorpion's came along, and now this. I use to think honour still existed to but after the past few months..everything that i believed gone" Zane replies, "We'll get them back Zane, our family, and Mila, but you can't do it alone, your going to get yourself killed" Andy say's, "I know..i know, but i can't let anyone else i love get hurt so i made a deal with the only person with enough resources and enough people to get them back, the head of the CIA, at first light tomorrow me and the CIA are going to make a move on the scorpion's cargo ship to get our family back in exchange for my surrender..the disbandment of the crew and immunity on all of you guy's, I'm sorry..but this is the only way to get them back" Zane replies as he walk's toward's the suv get's in and drive's away. "Andy we can't let him do this! Mila isn't even on that ship, we can't just forget about her Andy!" Ember say's with tear's in her eyes, "There's nothing we can do now..I'm sorry, i'll get Ivor to keep searching for her's over" Andy say's as he walk's away.

(Word count: 866)

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