She's The One: Chapter 11

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As Zane and Ember come up upon Xavier's compound 3 armed men come up, "stop where you are, who are you" one of the men say, "we're Xavier's brother and sister, we need to speak to him" Zane say's, "He's busy, come back another time" another one of the men say while pointing a gun at Zane, "trust me..he'll wan't to hear what i have to offer" Zane replies with a deadly look, "5 minute's is all you get" one of the men say, "well well well, if it isn't Zane santini and Ember santini what could you possibly have to say to me that would get me to help you, if it's not good enough for me i kill both of you right here right now" Xavier say's, "you help us find my family..and rescue Mila from the scorpion's..I'll transfer my leadership to you" Zane replies, "Not good enough, and would you look at that, time's up" Xavier say's as he order's two men to point their gun's at both of them, "Wait..if you help us get Mila back..and my family..I'll transfer my leadership to you..and you get to kill me infront of my entire crew to prove that you're better than me" Zane replies, "Zane no!" Ember yell's, "I have to Ember..for our family" Zane say's, Xavier just stare's at Zane with a evil grin and laugh's, "I don't have to prove I'm better than you..but since I do get to kill you infront of everyone you love, I'll help you, and just to make sure you don't try anything..I'll be keeping our sister" Xavier say's right as one of the guard's knock's Ember over the head with their gun, by the time Ember wake's up Zane and Xavier's crew are already long gone, "let me out of here! hello! if i get out of here i swear I'm going to murder everyone out there listening right n-" before Ember could finish she hear's a familiar voice in the cell next to her, "E-Ember i-is that you?" Mila say's, "Mila! you're alive! It's so good to hear your voice, are you ok did they hurt you" Ember replies, "Xavier..he, never mind, what are you doing here I thought the scorpion's..had you captive" Mila ask's, "I was able to grab one of the guard's phone's and was able to contact Andy, turn's out he was already here looking for both of us..him and one of Zane's ally named Ivor saved me, but if your here..that mean's Xavier..he's driving Zane into a trap" Ember say's, "Zane's here to..I-I'm sorry that you had to walk in on us..It's just I was confused and scared an-" before Mila could finish Ember interrupt's, "It's fine, let's just forget about It, and it would probably be better if we forget, for your safety" Ember say's while trying to hold in tear's, before Mila could speak again they hear an explosion outside of the compound, soon enough they see Andy with Ivor and his crew, "Andy! Zane is walking into a trap, he made a deal to transfer leadership and Xavier get's to kill him infront of everyone in exchange for helping getting our family back from the scorpion's and Mila" Ember say's "what make's you think it's a trap" Andy replies while unlocking Ember's cage, "because Mila is right here" Ember say's while pointing at the cell next to her, "Ember..there's no one there" Andy replies, "She's right there!" Ember say's as she look's again but see's nothing but a empty cell, "your bleeding from your head, they must of hit you hard enough to make you hallucinate, let's get you patched up and see if we can get to Zane fast enough, knowing Xavier and his motives..It probably is a trap" Andy say's.

(Word count: 657)

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