• 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 •

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( Short chapter !! Sorry. ☹️ )

[ name ] made her way to the meeting. The hashiras have been called to talk about some serious matters. Even though the hashiras didn't know what it is about, [ name ] knew well what it is going to be about.

She entered the room where the meeting was going to take place in. She saw how all hashiras were present and talking to each other as they wait for their master and wife to show up.

[ name ] sat in the middle facing the front and closed her eyes, patiently and quietly waiting for her master as well.

All hashiras slightly bowed down as amane had entered the room with kiriya.

" Good evening, hashiras. I ubuyashiki amane, will be taking over in todays meeting as oyakata-sama is not feeling his very best right now " she started speaking.

" Oh, that reminds me. [ name ]-sama, oyakata-sama wishes to have a word with you after we are done discussing matters " she continued speaking. [ name ] nodded and then amane started speaking once again.
" Don't worry amane-sama. Inform oyakata-sama that we will not fail and earn these demon slayer marks. So he can be rest in ease " said gyomei.

Amane nodded and bowed down, a few seconds later leaving the room with kiriya. [ name ] soon turned around from her spot and faced the hashiras.

" We all know our place in the training and in our plan for the upcoming battle, correct ? " she asked.

All hashiras nodded. [ name ] hummed in response and continued talking. " Well, I will be informing uzui about his place as well "

Even though the former sound hashira had required, he still asked for a place in order to defeat muzan. He would feel guilty if his comrades died and he didn't help at all. Plus, he can still fight.

" Narukami, when will we train the lower ranks ? " asked the stone hashira. All hashiras looked at the thunder hashira, who was the leader among them, hummed and close her eyes in response. A normal gesture she would always do.

Kyojuro could just admire her beauty.

" Since it's friday, we will start monday. So we have two days to prepare everything we need " she spoke. Gyomei nodded and rubbed his hands together.

" Well, I wish y'all good luck " shinobu said with a smile. Since she wasn't going to participate in the training but would be the one helping the injured ones from the training along with the butterfly girls.

" [ name ]-chan, how about we have lunch together on sunday ?! Our last meal together before training and the big battle " exclaimed mitsuri with a big smile. Kyojuro smiled widely along with her.

" Yes kanroji, that's a good idea ! " he yelled out as well.

" Rengoku, please don't be loud for oyakata-sama " spoke out the stone hashira. Kyojuro then chuckled slightly and mitsuri giggled with him.

" I guess that's fine.. " [ name ] whispered then sighed. She didn't really want go waste time eating but since her lover wants to, she will go.

Anything for him.

Talking about them, they haven't told anyone about their relationship. They had an agreement in keeping it secret then reveal it after the final battle, if they survive.

" Well, y'all can continue discussing matters without me. I have to speak with oyakata-sama " [ name ] said. Gyomei hummed in response and nodded his head.

The hashiras watched as [ name ] stood up and left to their masters room where he was resting. They saw how [ name ] immediately disappeared in the shadows.

Leaving kyojuro more amazed about her.

" Well then, let's talk about how we are going to train the lower ranks. Then we will tell narukami everything we have discussed about " said gyomei. The hashiras nodded in response.
[ name ] kneeled down in of her knees and lowered her head as she bowed to her master that was sitting down in his futon. [ name ] could only hold back her anger towards muzan as she saw her master.

Who looked terribly ill.

" [ name ], I'm glad you could make it my sweet child. I just want to discuss something that won't take a long time " kagaya spoke out. He smiled gently at [ name ] who smiled back at him.

Despite being cold hearted, she still smiled warmly at her master. Ever since he took her in their home.

" You poor thing, how exactly did you get here ? "

The little girl saw how the young man in front of her was smiling warmly and gently towards her. There was another man next to him that had fire like hair, and watched her in pity. She frowned and back away from them.

" Don't worry, [ name ]. We don't intend to hurt you. But we do want you to come back home with us, we will watch over you " he spoke kindly once again towards the little girl.

He sticked out his hand to her, waiting patiently for her accept his hand. The little girl sighed and grabbed his hand with her tiny and petite hands.

Kagaya could only smile as she had accepted him, and signaled shinjuro to come along.

As they walked back to the ubuyashiki residence.

" Of course oyakata-sama. I will never miss an opportunity in speaking matters with you " she said. Kagaya smiled and hummed in response.

" But may I ask what you want us to discuss about ? " she asked. Kagaya smiled once again towards his lovely and independent thunder hashira.

" I just want to discuss about your mission I assigned you eight years ago.. "
" Hmm.. [ name ]-chan hasn't come out yet, are we sure that she won't take a long time in discussing things with oyakata-sama ? " mitsuri whispered. She wanted to hang out with [ name ] a bit after discussing things but it appears she hasn't come out of their masters room.

" We can just wait patiently, kanroji. If they are taking long then it means it's something important that she can only do. We must tell her another time and not waste time waiting here " spoke out the big giant.

Mitsuri sighed, the hashiras have been waiting for [ name ] to come out and discuss the training. Suddenly, obanai had stood up.

" Well I guess it's better if we just inform her by letter. I do have other things to get done " and with that he had left the room. Sanemi nodded along with him and left the room as well. Giyuu also left not so long after sanemi left.

" I will be the one informing her, himejima. No need to worry ! " exclaimed the flame hashira. Gyomei nodded and left the room with muichiro and shinobu.

" Let's go rengoku-san ! " exclaimed the love hashira. The flame hashira chuckled and nodded his head. Following the sakura-mochi haired girl out of the ubuyashiki residence.
" Well then, with all due matters, you do know your positions in this upcoming battle. [ name ] ? " asked kagaya. He saw as the thunder hashira bowed down before him as his wife helped him lay back down.

" Yes, oyakata-sama. I do know my positions " she started speaking.

Kagaya and amane could only stay silent as they waited for [ name ] to continue speaking.

" One is to lead the battle and finish muzan. And the other is to protect the hashiras and lower ranks from death. I will risk my life to make sure all of them make it out alive, even if I lose my life doing it "

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