Selena bumps into Eris

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Selena was running near the castle, trying to find a place she could hide. But accidentally, bumped into a woman with dark eyes and dark hair, who turned around and looked at Selena. At first the woman was in shock. When she finally understood, she got angry and hissed:

- You!

Selena, pretty scared, because there was a dark aura around the woman, the darkest Selena has ever seen. So, Selena did the only thing she could think at that moment: run. While running through the forest, she didn't notice a cliff and a boy on it. She bumped pretty hard into the boy, making both fall into the river. They both swam to the surface. When they meet each other's faces, Selena could clearly see the boy's face. He was no happy at all with Selena.

- You little shit! - The boy says while trying to punch Selena's face, but his hand is caught by Selena. He tries with the other one, but the same is caught too. They both stare each other hard, their faces pretty close while Selena was holding both of his hands until they were interrupted by a voice.

- Hey, Idiot! Let's go or mother will get angry. You know how she can get ... - a girl wearing black clothes, the same as the one the boy was wearing, with dark hair and green eyes, says and stops to look at the two in front of her.

- Am I interrupting something? - The girl asks

- Nothing at all - The boy says angry while forcing himself out of Selena's hold while walking away. The girl glared at Selena before walking away too. Selena lets out a breath she didnt even know she was holding and put a hand to her heart.

- That was close - Selena thinks

Meanwhile with Eris:

- I'm telling you, Derek. It was her. It was Selena! - Eris says angry while walking fast to the direction the girl ran.

- Could you please, calm down? We aren't getting anywhere. It' s dark and late. Maybe the girl isn't even here anymore - Derek says

- Do I have to repeat it again? I must find her, dead or alive. I don't care - Eris says frustrated

- Look, I don't know if you remember, but your powers are blocked. We are lost and have no ideia how to get back - Derek sighs

- But, Derek. This is my chance. I only have this time to end her once for all - Eris says tired

- Eris, your happiness means everything to me. If you want the girl dead, we'll go after her. But, right now, we are in the middle of a forest, completely lost, hungry and without any ideias how to come back. We even missed the ball - Derek says

- I know, you are right. I'm just frustrated for losing my chance. But, if you wanna do it right, we must think and create a plan. The worst of all is that we have no ideia of where she came from - Eris says

- We'll find out. I promise. I know you don't like it. But, with this rain, we'll have to sleep somewhere here tonight. Maybe search for a cave, I don't know - Derek says while standing up

- From a top goddess to a semi-mortal sleeping in a forest, just great - mumbles while standing up too

- Stop complaining. You'll still have me - Derek says with a smirk

- And that just made my day even better - Eris says sarcastically while Derek laughs at her. They both walk away together to find a shelter.

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