Selena meets Meredith and Katherine

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After the dance ended, Selena ran to her father and hugged him.

- I love you, daughter! - King Jeremy says

- I love you too, father! - Selena says

- So, how was the dance? - King Jeremy asks

- It was awesome! - Selena says while smiling

Selena starts talking about the dance, the music and everything animated until they were interrupted:

- Excuse me? Would you be the King Jeremy Gilbert?- The person asks

Selena turns around to see who said that. She came face to face to a beautiful woman, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Then, she noticed a girl, maybe around her age, hiding behind the woman. Selena kept staring at the girl trying to see her face too.

- Yes! And you would be ... ? - King Jeremy asks

- My name is Meredith Lavotisky - The woman says while extending her hand.

- Nice to meet you! - King Jeremy says while taking her hand and kissing it.

- The pleasure is all mine! - Meredith says and smiles

- Uhhh ... this is my daughter Selena Gilbert - King Jeremy says while putting a hand on Selena's shoulder. Selena took her attention off the girl hiding and stared at the woman now.

- She is very adorable! - Meredith says with a forced smile

Selena noticed a dark aura around Meredith and stared hard at her:

- Evil Witch - Selena says while staring serious at Meredith

- Selena! This is not the way to talk to someone. Apologize! - King Jeremy says

- But, father ... - Selena tries to say, but it is interrupted by the king.

- Apologize! I won't say it again - King Jeremy says

- Alright. Sorry, Mrs. Lavotisky - Selena says

- No problem, dear. Sometimes, people make mistakes, right? - Meredith says, still with a forced smile.

- Yeah ... so, who is this one behind you? - Selena asks

- Selena ... - King Jeremy sighs

- Oh, this is my daughter, Katherine Lavotisky - Meredith says

- Hi! Nice to meet you! - Selena says extending her hand

Katherine looks at Selena from behind her mother and saw the girl smiling at her. At the moment, Katherine felt she could trust someone and make a friend. So, she stops hiding behind her mother, comes closer to Selena and accepts her handshake.

- Nice to meet you too! - Katherine says

At the moment, the two girls smile at each other. Both think they finally found a friend. So, Selena asks Katherine:

- Would you like to play with me?

- Yes! - Katherine says

- Great! Let's go! - Selena says and takes Katherine away to play.

Meanwhile, the 2 adults kept watching their daughters running away together to play, they couldn't stop smiling.

- I've never seen Selena so happy - King Jeremy says

- What do you mean? - Meredith turns around and asked king Jeremy

- She never made a friend before, were always so lonely. Selena was always a quiet girl, and spent all her time reading books, riding a horse, swimming and dancing ... - King Jeremy says

- Well, at least she wasn't completely bored of her mind - Meredith says and then they boy laugh.

- Yes, you may be right! - King Jeremy says as another music starts playing.

- Would you dance with me? - Jeremy asks

- I'd love to! - Meredith says

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