Eris Trial

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- Well, in this case, we can't do much, because I prohibited any god to interfere with the mortals' lives. So, Selena will just have to grow up without knowning her real parents - Zeus says

- Are you crazy?! Are we just gonna give up on her?! - Ilithia questions Zeus

- Ilithia, stop! You know the rules. I'm sorry about your sister, but as long as she stays with the humans, we can't do much about it.

- And what if she uses her powers in front of humans? - Ilithia asks.

- Well, it won't change anything. As long as we all live, the humans won't be able to see our world. The only way to interact with her is if she visited us.

- Unbelievable - Ilithia mumbles.

- So, If you guys don't mind, we have a more important situation to discuss right now - Ártemis speaks looking at Zeus and Ilithia, but nodding her head to Eris' direction.

- You are right, Ártemis. Eris? - Zeus speaks

- What? - Eris turns around and walks towards Zeus until she stops in front of him.

- You know what you did was terrible, right? Unfortunately, it' ll have consequences.

- Such as? - Eris questions Zeus.

- Such as have your powers blocked, living among the humans and lose your first baby in case you have one in the future.

- What?! You can't do this to me! - Eris responds.

- I can and I will. I'm still your father. For now, you'll be spending your imortal life among the humans like your sister who you threw to them. But, If you commit a crime by your own hands there, you'll be sent to Tartarus for all your eternity.

Eris doesn't know what to think or say. She just wanted to finally have her parents' attention. Is it too much to ask? She has no ideia how to be a human. Hear her father saying all of this makes Eris'heart hurt. Why is he like that to her? What does she have to do to get his attention again? His love?

While Eris was distracted with her thoughts, Zeus continues:

- You'll need a disguise. Down there, you are not more than a simple human, understand?

But Eris was still thinking about her parents and the consequences she will have to face, so she didn't respond him.

- Eris, do you understand?! - This time, Zeus yelled loud to get her attention, startling Eris.

- Yes, sir - Eris mumbles.

- Good. Now, let's get it started - Zeus says and then create some kind of light, and sent it to Eris direction. It made her feel dizzy and she fell. He had blocked her powers.

- Get up, Eris - Zeus orders while everyone was watching the scene.

- Hecate, please, do your magic. Create a disguise to Eris and send her away.

Hecate got up from her throne and walked towards Eris. While the goddess was doing her magic, the last thing Eris saw before she got engulfed by the light, was her father face of disapointment. Eris vowed to do anything to get her father's love again.

Then, she appeared in a florest. It was raining. But, While she was walking out of it, Eris turned to her left side and saw something, she coudn't describe what was, stop right in front of her and a man opening a door and getting down of it. He walked towards her and asked:

- Are you alright, Mrs.?

Eris only nodded and continued staring at the man. She saw he was nervous.

- Uhhh ... Hi! My name is Derek Watson. What's yours?

- Eris! - Eris said serious.

- Nice to meet you! Are you lost? It's raining a lot. A beautiful lady like you shoudn't be here alone. Would you like to come with me until we find something to help you?- He offers his hand.

- It would be a pleasure, Mr. Watson! - Eris accepts the hand offered to her. She thinks that maybe living among the humans won't be so bad after all. She could triy to manipulate them, even without her powers, to find a certain baby and kill it. That way, with the baby out of the question, Eris would have her family back. What sweet plans I have for my little sister! - Eris thinks darkly.

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