Selena disappears

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Song for Ilithia's feelings towards Eris

NOOOO! - Someone screams from Selena's bedroom.

The gods of Olympus ran to see what was happening. When they arrived at Selena's bedroom, the door was already open. They entered and saw Ilithia with her back to them, staring at Selena's Cradle.

- What happened, Ilithia? - Hera asks

But Ilithia doesn't respond and continues staring down at Selena's Cradle.

- Your mother made you a question, Ilithia! - Zeus says angry.

- She is gone - Ilithia answers.

- Who? - Apolo asks.

- It was Selena. I presume that she was taken at night by someone unknown, that I think could possibly be one of us - Athena concludes.

- What?! - The other gods yelled, except Ilithia.

- This is ridiculous! We'd neve do something bad to Selena! - Aphrodite speaks.

- What is going on here? - Eris appears at the door and enters in the bedroom.

She woke up with screams and yells and went to see what happened, even though she had an ideia about what could be.

- You! - Ilithia screams, turning around and going to attack Eris, but is hold back by Ártemis and Apolo.

- It's your fault that she is gone, bitch! I have no doubts that was you who took Selena from us! - Ilithia says angry.

- Wow, I just wake up to screams and now I'm getting blamed for something I clearly didn't do - Eris responds.

- Calm down, girls! - Athena tries to control the situation before it gets worse.

- Liar! If you think your powers of persuasion are gonna affect us, you are complete wrong! - Ilithia ignores

Athena and continues provoking Eris.

- That's enough! - Zeus yells.

- We are making a reunion with all the gods to discuss it. Whoever did this will pay, one way or another. If it's one of us, the consequences will be drastics - Zeus speaks.

Eris feels she should be scared in case they find something, but she knows that Selena may already be gone and they probably won't have evidences against her or something. Well, at least that's what she hopes.

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