Chapter 92: June and Lannister

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Warning! This is a really long chapter! I initially had this as two separate chapters, but found one too short. Please let me know if you think I should break this chapter up. Hope you enjoy!

-Lucinda Croft

Back to Original POV

I was enjoying the look of shock on Destin's face. It was a little payback for the fright he had given me. I had only just pulled off the tiara and earpiece knowing that the curtains closing meant the show was over. I was just happy they allowed me finish my encore. They probably didn't plan on it, so I hoped it didn't disturb their schedule too much.

Instead of an excited or bored Jimmy in an unassuming room, I opened my eyes to find Jimmy practically pulling his hair out.

"Fucking hell, Angel Cakes!" He yelled exasperated.

"What?" I said confused, and looking around me for whatever problem was aggravating Jimmy. I then saw the gentle light coming from my back. I stretched what my mind perceived my wings' muscles would be and the light shifted and stretched with it. Ulysses was right. These were wings of light. I looked back to Jimmy. "Oh."

Jimmy gave me a rather perturbed smile and nodded his head. "What the fuck are you doing just sprouting lights and wings in here?!"

"I didn't—" The door banged harshly.

"Jimmy! Let me in!" Hendrix shouted from the other side.

Jimmy quickly unlocked the door and Hendrix bulldozed past him to get to me. "June, what on earth were you thinking?!"

I looked back and saw the wings' light starting to dissipate. "I was just—"

Hendrix quickly swerved on Jimmy. "And you! You were supposed to be watching her!"

From there the two continued to yell and argue. I was so preoccupied trying to figure out how Hendrix had known. He came stomping in here as if he just knew my wings had come out. On the other side, however, why did it matter? I was confined to this room with only Jimmy as witness and he had already seen my full spectacle. In this case it seemed only my wings of light popped. There was no halo, and my hair was still its pixie cut. In fact, my wings of light had now vanished, so there was no issue. Yet the two vampires continued to bicker like something major had happened.

That was when Destin just waltzed in. My thoughts suddenly shifted to the tall intimidating silver werewolf that was stalking towards me. His green eyes were so focused on me that I remembered his threats. I remembered his words that shook me to the core. I remembered the day he imprinted on me so thoroughly that his pheromones terrified me. I was powerless when it came to him, but normally he acted so dismissive of me that it never really scared me. But it was different this time. He was coming for me, and I had no way to stop him.

Then the bastard bit me.

I was so shocked at first that the sting of his bite and the warmth of my own blood didn't register. It was when the burning started carving into the back of the shoulder he bit that I started to fight and scream for help. Both my guard and my guardian were so focused on their argument that they didn't even notice the big bad wolf taking a decent chomp of their ward.

They finally got their act together to pull Destin off of me and to check on my condition. Thankfully Destin's licks had closed the puncture wounds, but the back of my shoulder itched. Hendrix was thrashing Destin against a wall, but what Destin had to say was more shocking.

I studied the new instant tattoo that adorned the back of my right shoulder. A crescent moon with wings the color of old blood. I rubbed at it as it itched, but it remained on my skin. Destin had said he loved me. All I could think of was Cenderion echoing the same words. What was with these men? You can't fall in love with someone that quickly, can you? Would that really be love? Affection, sure. Interest, more likely. But love?

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