Chapter 61: June Jackson

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Trigger warning: Topics of rape and trauma will be discussed in this chapter.

            "This is it." I said walking into the room and sitting on my bed.

Eliza looked around a little disgusted. "This? The way Master Hendrix obsesses over you, you'd think he'd give you a more... luxurious room."

"He doesn't obsess over me." I said uncomfortable. She gave me a pointed look. I marveled at how perfect her brown hair fell in waves no matter what look she gave me. "I mean..." I stopped realizing she may not know about his blood dependency. From an outsider's opinion it would look like he is keeping an abnormally close eye on me.

Eliza meandered about the room until she found the loveseat. She sat with careful grace. "Even with his current blood situation he spends a lot of his free time on you." She commented.

I sighed relieved. "So you knew. Have you heard of anything like this? I mean, can a vampire become addicted to a blood type or something?" I asked hopefully.

She shook her head. "And the vampires haven't either. I mean I think that's what those two idiots were invited here for anyway."

I rubbed the leaf laden vines that made up my sling. "What do you mean?"

"I overheard my mistress and Master Hendrix arguing. He apparently had an important meeting with them. I'm not sure for what reason, but he made it clear that it was related to his blood dependency." Eliza analyzed her dark red nails lazily.

It was good that Hendrix was taking finding the cure seriously. I mentally slapped myself. Why wouldn't he? This was his life and he wouldn't want to be stuck with me forever.

"So what do you have to do around here?" Eliza asked looking around.

I sat up and looked around as well. "Um..."

"What do you do for fun?" She asked crossing her legs and leaning forward.

I glanced at my small stack of books on my nightstand. I had already read most of them. "I read."

Eliza blinked. "That's it? All day?"

"Well, I also tend to flowers and chat with people—" Eliza raised her eyebrows expectantly. "To be honest it has been boring lately. I miss a lot of my conveniences back home like television, video games, going shopping. I mean, I would kill for a crochet hook and some yarn just to pass some time. Even a pencil and sketchbook would do." I said. I fell back on my bed and stared up at the cream ceiling.

"Why not request for them?" Eliza asked standing back up and walking closer to me.

"I don't want to really bother Hendrix more than I need to." I said thinking back to our last intimate encounter.

"Then don't. Just ask the house. It's more typical for humans to request things from the hands than their master anyways." Eliza said walking towards the door.

"I don't know anyone to ask or where I could find them. I've just randomly bumped into them and it seems weird to just be like, 'Hey, I know you're busy but could you grab me a sketchbook and pencil? Thanks.'" I sat back up sighing.

Eliza chuckled and pushed a small button by the door with her manicured nail. I had never noticed that button before. It was almost invisible.

"Yes?" a bored male voice said in my room suddenly.

"We would like some refreshments and the newest issue of Serendipity magazine. Oh, and a sketchbook with pencils please." Eliza said in a pleasant voice looking up at the ceiling with her hands sassily placed on her hip and in the air.

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