Chapter 55: June Jackson

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I was conflicted. So much had happened today, that I didn't know whether to be elated or depressed. I was still battling with losing my virginity, but the prospect of becoming a professional singer thrilled me at the same time. I had always wanted to sing. I loved the way it made me feel, and I felt a strong compulsion to share it with others. I had done a few concerts, and made a couple songs with producers, but this would all be on a much larger scale.

It wasn't all rainbows however. My audience would be the very creatures that are keeping me prisoner here, and who view humans as less than cattle. Their view of humans was so low that I would have to parade around as a fake vampire or werewolf just to gain any clout. I wasn't comfortable with the deception, but I understood that there wasn't any other way.

I was also hoping to return home soon. Any benefit from my singing career here would ideally be short-lived, but I still wanted to try. It wasn't as if I had a choice anyway. Katherine and Destin were sure to shove me in the spotlight whether I liked it or not. I could fight it denying my passion, or I could embrace this opportunity and make it more favorable for me. If I was going to be stuck here until Hendrix found the cure to his blood-dependency, I might as well spend it doing something I enjoy.

"Hello, Lily."

I looked up surprised realizing I had walked my way to the plot of Angel's Hearts without thinking. "Oh, hello Cenderion."

The dryad walked closer with a warm smile, but the smile soon vanished. "Lily, you've been deflowered..." he said surprised and a little hurt.

It took me a few moments to understand what Cenderion meant, but once I could my face drained of color. I quickly grabbed my arms and took a step back feeling dirty. "I... I thought no one could tell. Hendrix said I still smelled... and Destin thought I was one too." I felt tears spring to my eyes. I couldn't cry here. Not with Cenderion watching.

Cenderion stepped forward and pulled me into his arms without hesitation, and I felt a warmth spread from his touch making my emotions calm. "Shhh... I'm sorry. I was just surprised. It's okay."

I wanted to pull away, but at the same time I didn't. I found myself gripping his rough shirt and I suddenly erupted into scream crying. The type of crying where I was more angry and frustrated than sad. Cenderion didn't pull away, but continued to stroke my back. I hated being vulnerable like this, which only made me cry harder. I couldn't cry like this with the Angel's Heart. I wouldn't want her to be worried. I also certainly couldn't cry like this with the vampires here. Maybe that was why I walked here. Deep down I wanted someone to understand my pain, and although I was loathe to admit it, Cenderion was a great listener.

I suddenly felt a surge of anger that wasn't mine, and looked up to see Cenderion glaring out into nothing. He was furious.

I gently pulled away. "I'm sorry."

Cenderion shook his head and guided me to sit on the moss that he had grown without my notice. "Don't be, Lily. I'm not angry at you. You did nothing wrong."

I pulled up my knees and looked at my hands. "But I agreed to it. I allowed it to happen... Now I'm..."

Cenderion sighed releasing his anger for a moment. "You're the strong, clever, and beautiful woman that I want to spend my remaining centuries with. Nothing has changed."

I couldn't help but smile a bit, and I wiped the tears from my face. I wasn't ready to commit to anything for centuries, but knowing Cenderion didn't view me as anything less helped me feel the same about myself. "How did you know? Hendrix said that I still smelled like a virgin," I finally said.

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