Chapter 86: June Jackson

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Thank you to all my readers! I hope you enjoy today's chapter. It will be steamy! ;P

*Trigger Warning* Highly sexual Content

I sat up gasping and ready to fight whoever shot that dart at me, but found myself in the white void again. My dream space. My chest rose and fell with each calming breath. I groaned realizing this meant that I was unconscious, and that whoever ambushed Jimmy and I had probably gotten what they wanted. Whatever the hell it was.


I sat straighter and turned to see Geralt in his typical dated wear. A red coat and black waist coat adorned his broad chest, and red breeches and black stockings accentuated his legs. His long chestnut hair was drawn back with a single black ribbon.

I quickly stood up and tried to laugh off my crazed appearance. "G—Geralt! You came back." I said nervously. My nerves then eased as I realized he did actually come back. It wasn't just a one-night stand.

Geralt came close to me and captured my chin between his thumb and index finger. He tilted my face to look up into his, and my heart that was once racing out of panic was racing for entirely different reason. His crimson eyes searched my own. "Something's wrong." He said.

I tore my attention away from his soft supple lips. "W—what?" I intelligently said.

His eyes narrowed and he turned his head as if looking for something. "You couldn't wake up even if you want to." He said.

I remembered the darting and sighed. "I guess not. I'm sure it'll wear off eventually." I muttered.

"You were drugged?" he asked concerned. "For what purpose?"

I gently rested my hand on his to pull his hold off my chin. "Another kidnapping, I suppose." I said annoyed. How many times was that now? Five? No, six if you counted the mystery plane ride that got me here in the first place. I should get a punch card at this rate.

Geralt's face got dark. His crimson eyes flared scarlet and his fangs came out for a fight. "Who would dare?" he growled. A dark shadow swirled at his feet.

I placed my hand on his smooth cheek, and he looked to me surprised and startled. I smiled reassuringly. "Thanks for being concerned, but I'll be fine. This isn't my first rodeo."

His eyes narrowed and the air became thick with anger and threat. "How could you know that? Do you know who took you?"

"No, but I'm tough. I also have some friends in high places, believe it not." I said with a smirk.

His own hand came up and cupped my cheek. I leaned into its warmth. "How are you not terrified?" He asked bewildered.

I bit my lip and studied the golden buttons on his coat. They had small flowers etched into the gold. "I am, but sitting here being scared won't help me." I looked up into his hardened eyes. "It would only upset you." I finished.

Geralt cursed and grasped me tightly to his chest. My heart stopped, and I found myself wondering if this is what people who were in lust with one another did. It couldn't be that he...

I pulled away and took a step back. He looked both confused and bothered that I had left his hold. "Geralt, something else happened that I think you should know." I said trying to get ahold of my senses.

He stepped closer to me, but I took another step back. "What should I know?" he asked.

I took a breath and steeled myself. I had never rejected anyone like this before. Deep down I still wanted him, but it wasn't fair to him. "I'm married." I said deciding to rip off the band-aid.

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