Chapter 91: Destin Moon

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Thank you again for all the comments and shout outs in other stories! Here is the reaction you've all been waiting for!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

I knew that human had a voice. It was the main reason why I didn't dismiss her as another human in the kitchens or the nursery. It was the reason I foolishly imprinted on her. I also wasn't deluded enough to believe my single's ground-breaking sales were strictly due to my own talents. A part of me should have anticipated what her debut would be like, but even in my own wildest imaginings I couldn't have prepared myself for this.

At worst her lack of experience would have caused a flop. Nerves getting the best of her would cause her voice to crack or shake. She could run sharp or sing too quickly. I wouldn't have suggested any choreography to start, as it would increase the chances of her making a fool of herself. She could trip, forget the steps, or lose her breath causing the vocals to suffer.

At best she nailed her performance, but her lack of fame or following would lead to a decent applause and some increased interest. A few eager patrons in the audience might suggest some future gigs, and she would be one step closer to becoming a sensation. Anyone in the business knows that success in this industry was slow-going. Even the most talented individual would have to be at the right place and the right time for anything to come of it. Failure, rejection, and plain indifference were far more common and likely. Fortunately, she did have someone famous backing her. Me. If I continued using her for backup vocals, duets, and maybe as an opener for one of my performances, she would gain popularity much more quickly.

Once Princess Katherine and I left the stage and joined Hendrix in the audience the music started and the curtains opened. The werewolf with white fur and golden eyes was already in position and came to life the moment she started singing. Once again her voice left me spellbound, but it was the way her body moved seamlessly with the music and her facial expressions that kept me captivated. There were no nerves or hesitation. It was as if she had done this a million times before.

I managed to pull my attention away to gauge the audience's reaction, and found them as enthralled as I was. The quiet conversations had silenced and their eyes all locked on the performer on stage. Even those holding their phones in hand were not even looking at the screen. Looking back to Celine Lupine, who I knew was really only a hybrid behind a curtain, I marveled the way her silver dress sparkled and glinted in the stage lights. It was hard to believe that it was only a hologram I was observing.

Warmth and comfort spread through me as her voice felt like honey to my ears. It was like that buzz you would get from a nice drink, or sweet relief from pain on that first hit of morphine. Her voice was a literal drug working its way into my mind and body. I felt so light and free. I couldn't help the exhilarating joy I felt. The audience's cheering and pulsing with the music told me they were feeling the same. Werewolf, vampire, and human all swept up in only her voice and the music.

This was beyond a typical werewolf's ability. Music innately had magic to it, and it could influence a room. It could ease anxiety or pain, or it could rile or anger a crowd. The affect of the music was comparable to the magic that was put into it. In other words, the stronger the werewolf the greater the influence. But June was a hybrid. Only half-werewolf. This level of influence was on par with a werewolf royal if not even more. If she had this much magic to her, then I trembled at the thought of her influence if she were a full werewolf. Or maybe it is the fact that she is only half that gave her this power. Little was known about werewolf hybrids after all.

She is strong. She is beautiful. She would make good pups. She is our mate!

I quickly recognized my instincts shaping my thoughts, and I shook my head. The werewolf community would never accept an alpha being mated to a hybrid. I could go rogue. I could lose everything.

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