Chapter 75: June Jackson

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I couldn't believe how wonderful everything felt. Was this what everyone called the afterglow? I was tired, but everything felt right and calm. My heart pounded in my chest and my nerves felt alive. Geralt chuckled seeing the smile that was plastered to my face.

"That good, huh?" he asked smugly knowing the answer.

"I can say with absolute certainty, that that was the best sex I ever had. You're a natural." I added remembering that he was supposedly a virgin.

Geralt climbed onto the bed still naked and laid down next to me. "Figures. That was also the best sex I've ever had." He smirked.

I glowered at him. "Isn't it the only sex you ever had?"

"True. Well, it felt amazing all the same." Geralt mused staring up at the stone ceiling.

I turned to face him, and studied his face closely. "So, you're a real vampire then?"

He nodded. "I am."

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

Geralt's crimson eye flicked in my direction. "Why do you want to know?"

"It's just... You wear dated clothes, and your dream space has this—" I gestured around us. "—castle. So, I'm led to believe you are at least older than myself and I mean several times older, yet you've never had sex before? It's hard to believe knowing what I do about other vampires." Now that the attraction and yearning was sated, my curiosity was getting the best of me.

The naked vampire lounging beside me hummed for a moment. "How about this? For every question I answer, you have to answer one of mine. We have to be honest, and there is no backing out. Deal?" he said with that suggestive smirk.

I stopped and thought about this. I had some secrets about myself that I wasn't exactly sure I was ready to tell some random vampire from who knows where. Hendrix and the Angel's Heart warned me that there were things out there that wanted to get their hands on me, and I knew close to nothing about Geralt. For all I knew this could have been just a one-night stand. The thought saddened me. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. He made me feel things I'd never felt before. He made me feel desired and sexy. I also knew that if there was no risk then there would be no reward. I could be careful in how I answer. Half-truths are still truths, aren't they?

"Deal." I said.

"I'm three hundred fifty-three." He said.

I sat up and looked at him like he was crazy. "And this was your first-time having sex or kissing?" I felt like such a hypocrite, but come on!

Geralt tsked. "Ah, it's my turn to ask a question. How old are you?"

I relaxed and wrapped some of the blankets around me realizing I was entirely naked. The action made Geralt pout a bit. "I'm twenty. Why was this your first time? Why with me?"

"That's two questions, so you'll owe me two. You could say that I'm cursed. I'm unable to have skin-contact with others. If I did, they would change and ultimately be destroyed." His face didn't change much, but I could hear the tightness in his tone.

"I... I can't even imagine..." He had lived for who knows how long without being able to touch another living being. No sex. No hugs. No high-fives.

Geralt shrugged. "As long as there is a barrier between us, like clothing, I can still touch others. But sex or kissing requires skin-to-skin contact. But none of that matters in the dream space. You were the first person able to fight my will and interact with me. You also seemed keen on the idea." He said giving me a pointed look that left me putting my face into my knees.

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