Chapter 63: Hendrix and June

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Change of POV

The cold water dripped down my face as I focused on the cascading water from the faucet strike and splash off of the drain.

What. Was. That?

I quickly turned off the water and looked up to the mirror. My red eyes were still flaring and did not calm down one bit despite waterboarding myself with cold water. June's flushed face and lazy smile flashed through my mind along with the feel of her soft lips. There was something different to that kiss. When I had forced kisses on her before, her lips were always held tight and firm as if repulsed by the very presence of my own lips. This time they were warm, soft, and welcoming.

I yanked a hand towel from its home and wiped my face trying to wipe the memory from my mind. Why did she even do it? She hated me. She wanted nothing to do with me and has always acted like any sexual act with me was unsolicited and disturbing, but she willingly kissed me. That wasn't what truly surprised me however... It was how it made me feel.

I had been approached and wooed by human and vampire alike. They were always tolerated distractions. When June kissed me, it was like I was some blushing school boy. The way she was taking off her clothes I could tell she wanted to do even more. She wanted me more than an angel should. But I couldn't do that. The idea of sleeping with someone too inebriated to think straight disturbed me as much as doing it while they were unconscious.

But I really wanted to.

I wanted to feast upon her blood and teach her the pleasures of the flesh now that her virginity was out of the way. I took a settling breath and walked out of the bathroom. She was already sleeping in the bed while curling around the pillows and sheets. In fact, I had been avoiding her ever since the day her and I became one.

This battle between desire and fear consumed me whenever I was around her. Things were different now. Back when I thought she was simply a stubborn human I enjoyed tormenting her and leading her down the path that would have her give in to her most basal instincts. But now she was some human-angel hybrid destined to tip the scales in some kind of war. The desire to mess around with her remained, but now the repercussions of fooling around with her were far more daunting.

I calmly and slowly walked around my bed until I reached my side of it. That wasn't it. There was more to it. Something that I could never admit to anyone. Something I could hardly admit to myself. I didn't want to hurt her anymore. Not just because of the fear of the consequences, but because I didn't want her to see me as a monster anymore. When she was in my arms crying about how I took her virginity from her I felt horrible. I had actually apologized. To a human. Angel or no angel she was still human, and I had apologized to her.

I sat on the bed and buried my head in my hands. What was happening to me? Maybe Mary was on to something. Maybe there was something more to her blood. Maybe these feelings are being forced on me. I glanced at the human sleeping beside me. Her hair was now a mess as she had shifted in her sleep. She suddenly gave a melodic sigh and her dark pink lips pulled into a slight smile. But I didn't think that was the case. These feelings were too awkward and fleeting to be an effect of some magical charm. However, the alternative was even more impossible. Could I actually have romantic feelings for this helpless creature?

I shook my head and quickly slipped under the covers and clapped to turn off the lights. That was crazy and borderline obscene. Humans were merely pleasure companions or food. They couldn't be lovers. At least not romantically. I turned to face June. Our faces only a mere foot apart. But I knew then that I wanted them to be.

Change Back to Original POV

The same dream that has plagued me almost every night came again. The dark ocean, the mass of magical creatures cowering behind me, and the angry voice threatening me. I had already conquered this dream many times by stepping into the ocean. I would face it head on and stomp the darkness away until it calmed into a steady ebb and flow. The tsunami of darkness never formed when I approached it first, and so I was becoming bored of the dream. I was practically skipping into the dark waves just to get it over with. My arm free to swing by my side out of its sling as it wasn't broken in my dream.

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