Cute/random ass one shots

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-so he would be working days nights all hours that he can learning your favorite songs on the guitar like until finger is bleeding and shredded

-every Saturday is his cheat day just him at home watching TV get high and maybe drinking :)

- He wouldn't like to be at his house when your with him because of his mom. Kyle fears that Sheila won't like you or worse she likes you and she will smother you and he thinks you'll be freak  out.

-He loves helping you with homework or just getting things for you (especially in high places)

-when you're not at his house he's actually watching the TV shows you like and getting interested in the games that you like slowly but he's making it

-You'd probably buy those stupid couple shirts like the beast in beauty. One thing one thing two like the ones that he had with Heidi he might wear those T-shirts for maybe a week and then think they're stupid.

-he have may or may not been threatened to be sent to jail for going into someone's garden and getting flowers. And what he said was, he was doing it in the name of love (🫨)

-he doesn't really like to have you over at his house that much specially when his parents are home but usually if you guys are going to do some thing nothing really crazy his bringing Karen like if you guys are just going on a walk to the park Karen's being there Karen's gonna be there at least 75% of the time

-One time he was grounded, but he had something scheduled to do with you. This man said fuck it, and he jumped out of his window. He broke his arm. He still went to see you he might've cried, but he still saw you. (I'm sorry when I wrote this, I was in the mid-laugh.)

- he would always try to have hello Kitty, matching something like rings, hoodies, shoes, profile, pictures, phone cases, backpack, charms, anything most likely, it would be like Kuami in my melody (I don't know how to spell her name 😭)

-at least every single weekend you guys are going to have a movie marathon it could be men in Black one day or red racer (Craig is always gonna vote red racer)

- usually any time that you guys are at his house he would usually have stripe in one hand, and if you have a guinea pig, he would love to bring it over so then Stroop would have a playmate ><

-He doesn't freak out as much when you're around him he's just a lot more calmer

-any time that you try to visit him he always built something new with his Legos like one day it could be a giant car and then the next day it could be a two-story house or it could be a tree.

-sometimes you'd be randomly videoing you, and then he would add goofy sound effects to any expression or just action you made so that you could be like one of those really bad over sound effect videos, and every time he watches it, he laughs

-he likes to practice his jokes on you and sometimes you just have like a stack of 50 some index cards full of jokes and you guys would just spend nearly the whole day in his garage just him telling jokes

-y'all probably go to Disneyland for every summer and anytime that there's a long breaks you guys always go on a vacation!

-your guy's parents just think your relationship is just cutest thing ever.


- all probably gonna act like y'all live at the mall.

-anytime she gets a new outfit, she loves doing like a little fashion show



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