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Stan:y'all where getting high and he just blurt it out like : " I really like you, I mean like really like, like you.."

Kyle: he made a gift for you and put it in your locker and It had a sticky note on it : heyy (n/n), WaNnA gO oN a DaTE wITh mE..PlEaSe TeXt me...

Cartman: he texted you: Sup Hoe.
ur hot and shit wanna date Idrc if u say no.

Kenny: somehow he found your house and he brought over a bouquet of hand picked wild daisies and he knocked on your door to try to serenade you but your dad answered and your father took the flowers that had a card on it and just gave it to you and made Kenny leave

Butters: he remembered that you had a favorite of one of his hello kitty merch. so he put it in a box and gave it to you the next day at school he was a blushing mess and he was stuttering so bad: "h-hey (y-y-y/n) I k-know y-you lik-e this a-nd I L-like y-you s-sooo..."

Craig: he asked Kenny and Clyde how to ask out people and before he came up to you he forgot everything so he just ripped a flower out of the ground and just asked you out right then and there

Tweek: your not work so u get a coffee (at tweakbros) SO Tweek used creamer to make hearts in your coffee and writes about his feelings for you his writing is super sloppy ><

Jimmy: He made and sang you a song about his love for you ♥︎

Token: It was when token was on vacation and he brought you with he practically got on one he just confessed it. Right then, there

Wendy: in the middle of one of the student council meetings Wendy just turned to you and just whispered in your ear that she liked you and then turned back to everyone else and continued on with the meeting

Bebe: so bebe came back to the shoe store with a pair of sneakers saying they're broken and they need to be fixed. she put them down on the counter staring at you as you picked up the shoes they said in metallic marker : UR HOT AF

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