How you met!!!

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X3 I honestly didn't really know what to do for some of the characters......

Stan: you and Stan met at tragedy farms. you were incredibly bored and you just started talking with Stan while your parents got their weed..

Kyle: you too met at a Synagogue. You were only there because you wanted to try to hang out with your friend More. In the middle of while they're saying their prayers you locked eyes with Kyle and then everyone started leaving, you walked up to him and started talking with Kyle until your friend called you over telling you that you were leaving..

Cartman: you met him during the stick of truth. You were a spy working for elves and you had to penetrate Kupa keep but cartman caught you. So then you got locked in jail but Cartman usually did come by to shoot some insults at you.

Kenny: you two met at Goodwill. You saw a really cute pair of black Converse so did Kenny and both of you grab the same pair of shoes at the same time. Kenny offered you the shoes but then you offered him the shoes back which ended up for you buying a different pair of shoes.

Butters: y'all met on a discord server.
You constantly played hello kitty island adventures so you made a discord server for it to see if there were any other people that played. And not that long after you made the server, butters joined in that whole entire time while he was on, you guys just talked about hello kitty ><

Craig: you guys met at school got in a fight (do you remember the tweak versus Craig episode? I think it was season three episode five but practically like that episode) and your guises fighting led to you both into the hospital. But then Craig insulted you which caused you to pick up the heart monitor and throw it at him and the doctors were called in and they had a hold you down as Craig pointed and laughed

Tweek: you guys met at tweak Bros.. you guys both work there and the first day there was a Karen which cause tweak to panic a lot more as he was getting yelled at by the angry woman. which eventually led to you to take over the front once she did leave you tried to help tweak calm down

Jimmy: you went to one of his comedy routines they were only a very few people there, you were laughing the loudest and every time you laughed Jimmy just stared at you and smiled

Token: The two of you are the richest people in South Park and your parents have been friends for several years so you guys are constantly together :^

Wendy: you were in the student council as vice president you were still pretty new to this so Wendy usually helped you

Bebe: you worked at a shoe store. You saw Bebe and her friends walk in they were all in a group talking until they saw you. one of her friends started whispering in bebes ear and then right after that she walked up to you and asked for the most expensive shoes.

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