Twenty Four

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[ 2.05–2.06 ]

Venus and Nick made their way to the Lourve, looking around and pointing at different paintings and sculptures. The boy kept his arm wrapped around her waist to help her walk as they continued to explore. Venus wasn't as interested in things like Nick was but enjoyed watching his eyes widen as he looked at things he thought were beautiful.

Nick paused as he glanced down at his phone, "Oh, it's my dad. Um... Sorry, I'd better..."

Nick stepped away from the girl and answered the phone. She eyed him curiously as he began to speak, hearing some words leave his mouth that certainly were not English. Her lips parted in shock as she realised he was speaking fluent French, getting some butterflies in her stomach.

Fuck, was French really this pretty?

Her cheeks began to glow red as she began picturing him speaking French to her... whispering those words against her skin as he kissed—

Venus spun around as Nick hung up the phone, pretending to be looking at a sculpture. Nick joined her side, a knowing smirk on his face. He didn't know how him speaking French would affect her but he knew that she would like it. Tao seemed pretty amused at the idea so he knew it meant she would definitely have some sort of reaction.

"So," Venus began slowly, avoiding his eye, "You speak French? Like, fluently."

"Sort of. Um... My dad's French, and he basically only speaks to me in French, so..." Nick turned his head to look at the girl, "Anyway, he lives in Paris, so I've been trying to..."

Venus bit down on her bottom lip to hide her smile as she shamelessly looked him up and down, Nick noticing how red her cheeks had gotten since he left her to answer his dad's call.

"Are you...?" Nick pressed his hand against her cheek, feeling how warm they were, "Wait, do you like the fact that I speak French?"

Venus swatted his hand away, beginning to walk away, "No. I don't even care."

Nick chuckled, following her, "Venus!"

He grabbed her hand, smiling down at the girl. She looked up at him, letting out a deep breath as she stepped closer to him. She brushed some of his hair out of his face and smiled. "God, I just... really want to push you up against the wall and kiss you."

Nick smirked down at the pretty girl, "Mon amour."

Venus blushed, turning away from the boy, "Oh my God! Never mind! You're so cringe!"

"You don't look like you're cringing," Nick told her, pulling her back to him. He wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her close, leaning towards her ear. "You look like you're blushing. Quite a lot, actually!"

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