Chapter Three

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[ 1.01 – 1.02 ]

Venus hated to admit it, but Nick and rugby had both grown on her over the past week. As much as she did hate that a whole hour was cut out of her afternoon on the days she didn't have track, it was worth it to see Charlie improve in the sport and actually get somewhat decent. Venus spent her time on the sidelines with the Ms. Singh, seeing as she was also her track coach, watching and calling out to Charlie and even sometimes Nick.

She had always known Nick was a good rugby player but watching him actually play changed her mind about him. He always got really into the game and just looked like a natural out there. He also always looked out for Charlie, which she knew was a little bit for her, but she knew it was also because he cared about him.

On Friday afternoon, Venus, like she had on Monday and Wednesday, watched the rugby training. Since she had track on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nick and Charlie got to watch that which they both enjoyed. Venus was a natural captain and Nick thought she looked especially pretty with her hair pulled back into two dutch braids. It was a nice routine they had fallen into, even with the addition of what happened after trainings.

Due to the end of the term coming up, Venus had started going to Nick's house in the afternoons to work on their project. She had been to his house every afternoon that week, reluctantly departing with Charlie so he could get onto the bus while Nick's mum drove her and Nick to their house

She was nervous, like she had been all the other times. She just didn't really like socialising with people who weren't in her inner circle. Nick may have been able to weasel his way in, but she was still hesitant to let her walls fall down.

Once practice ended, Venus raced onto the field to give Charlie a hug.

"Oh, you did so well!" Venus grinned, wrapping both her arms around his neck. Charlie smiled, leaning down and wrapping his arms around her waist as she stood on her tip toes to be closer to him. She leaned up, whispering in his ear, "Please don't make me go to Nick's house."

He laughed, pulling away from the girl, "It's for school. You'll be fine. If it gets late, Dad and I can pick you up."

"Would you?" Venus sighed, "I'm still scared that his mum hates me."

"Why would she hate you?" Charlie asked.

"Have you heard what the boys here say about me?"

They began to walk across the field, following the other boys. Nick glanced over his shoulder, smiling softly at the two. Charlie had wrapped his arm around her shoulders while hers went around his waist. It was funny, seeing them together, because they were always so in sync.

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