Chapter Thirteen

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It was Monday morning when the absolute worse thing that could of happened, happened.

The morning had started off fairly normal. Venus and Charlie both got ready to school despite neither of them wanting to go. They were fairly silent, Charlie not feeling great about his weekend and Venus not wanting to push him. She knew he would skip breakfast so she had run down to grab a granola bar for him to hopefully eat in form. But when she arrived back in his room, Charlie had her phone in his hands.

"Nick texted you," Charlie said, his voice hollow and quiet. "I just thought I'd see what he wanted..."

"Oh," Venus said softly.

"I didn't mean to read them," Charlie continued, "But I saw he texted you last night and... I couldn't stop reading."

"Charlie, let me explain," Venus spoke, taking a step forward.

Charlie took a step back, staring up at the girl with tears filling his eyes. "You like him... and he likes you back."

"No," Venus shook her head, "No, he doesn't. Those are old texts."

"God, how could I be so stupid?" Charlie scoffed, looking at Venus with an expression he had never given her before. He was hurt and angry, something the two never felt towards the other. "All this time I thought you were being his friend for me but you were really just doing it for you."

"Charlie, don't say that," Venus spoke, tears filling her eyes, "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how."

"So, you kept lying to me? Straight to my face?" Charlie snapped at her, "God, you knew I felt like he was hiding something and you let me believe everything was fine! But I was right!"

"No, you weren't!" Venus exclaimed, "Nothing ever happened. I told him that he could have you or no one and he chose you! He wanted you!"

"Oh, thank you so much, Venus!" Charlie rolled his eyes, pushing her phone into her chest, "How thoughtful of you to not take my boyfriend!"

Due to all the yelling, Tori had made her way into the bedroom. She immediately understood what was happening, seeing Charlie and Venus standing on opposite sides of the bedroom. Both of them were crying, but Charlie's tears seemed more angry then hers. He must of figured out the truth Venus had been hiding from him for months.

"You could have anyone you wanted in the school but it wasn't enough. You just had to have the one boy who actually liked me, didn't you?!" Charlie glared at the girl.

"Charlie!" Tori scolded the boy, "Are you serious? Are you even going to let her explain?"

"I had to have Nick? Are you kidding?" Venus scoffed at the boy, tears rolling down her cheeks. She no longer seemed upset about the whole situation. Venus was known for her anger so it didn't surprise Tori how fast her sadness and guilt turned into something more fiery. "I was fucking dying while ignoring my feelings for him when all it was just a fucking crush to you, Charlie! I had him right where I wanted — before you and Nick even kissed at the party — and I did nothing so you could have a chance! Everything I did was for you!"

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