Chapter Seven

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(tw/cw: underage drinking, vomit)



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Do not ever get this wrong: Venus King hated Harry Greene with just about everything in her. He was the worst kind of person and if it wouldn't get Venus kicked out of school, she would give him a good punch until his nose broke. 

However, his parents were rich and had no problem with letting their son and his friends have a few supervised drinks before his party started. And if there was one thing about Venus, it was that she was a party girl.

So, upon special invite, Venus showed up early to the pre party where things were still getting set up and Harry's close friends were chatting. When she walked in, Harry was the first to greet her, pulling the girl under his arm. Venus put on her best smile and let Harry lie to his parents about how she was practically in love with him. It wasn't until his parents turned away that Venus took the glass Harry was holding and downed the whole thing, telling him to never touch her again.

An hour later, Harry's parents left and the party really began. Venus had started a drinking game and within the next thirty minutes, everyone who showed up early were halfway to wasted. So, she would say, it was worth coming early. 

The party had now been going on for at least two hours. People started to flood into the place, lights flashing and music blaring. Venus downed what could have been her twentieth drink of the night. This was the environment that Venus loved. Drinking too much, dancing around carelessly, lip glossed smudged. 

Venus was too busy on the dance floor to notice Charlie and Nick find each other, both of them very happy to see the other. Maybe it was a good thing that Venus was distracted. She may have been a happy drunk but the minute she saw something she didn't want to, she'd burst into tears and won't be able to stop until someone took her home.

"I've been looking for you!" the two boys said to each other, wide smiles on their faces. Nick, like promised, was wearing the outfit Venus told him to and Charlie was very thankful he did because he looked really good.

"Nice shirt!" Charlie laughed.

Nick looked down and realised that Venus had matched him with Charlie, "Yeah, Venus picked it. I can now see why."

"She loves to mess with people," Charlie smiled shyly.

"Is she not with you?" Nick asked Charlie, realising that Charlie was alone and not with his usual partner in crime. Venus wasn't the type to leave Charlie alone at a party when he didn't know anyone.

"Venus got here early to help set up," Charlie explained.

Nick furrowed his eyebrows. That made even less sense then Venus leaving Charlie alone at the party.

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