The Mysterious Finding

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Brian stood there shocked as he looked at the cryo-chamber as it opened, a shadow coming out of the mist. The shadow had a more feminine look and  had hair that seemed shorter or maybe just clipped. "w-who are you!" Brian said firmly and with a louder tone with his hand on his gun. The figure moved towards him a bit before Brian began to slowly draw his gun as a precaution, knowing the gun held dummy shots or tranquilizers. Without a second moment, the other figure raised their arm as the lab seemed to come to life, something zapping his hand as he dropped his gun mid-draw. He looked at the figure shocked as he dropped the gun, now looking down to try and grab the gun as a robotic arm came out of the wall and grabbed the gun. "What the hell!" Brian exclaimed as he quickly put his arms into a cross on his chest looking up, seeing a robotic arm swing against his chest.

The robotic arm swung hard as it collided against Brian's crossed arms as it pushed him back "arghhh-".  Brian fought back against the robot arm trying his best, not able to do much as it pushed him into the wall. "Get off me!" he growled out as the figure seemed to watch him, moving the arms not saying a word. Brian with some quick thinking was able to slip under the robots arm and using his quirk he floated up to dodge a second arm that came flying at him. With his quick wits and mobility he was able to dodge a few arms that came at him, before being smacked out of the air by another arm, blood dripping from his mouth as he slowly got up again. "w who that hell are you" Brian said before spitting out a bit of blood looking at the figure in front him him, now Brian was getting angry not knowing who it was and the fact it was in his grandmothers house. "im g going to get yo-" Brian said before another arm came flying at him, quickly ducking down, barely able to dodge the arm before another smacked him through the wall, busting through it as the wall busted open. "gah!" he said as he landed hard on the ground, broken woods planks around his body as he slowly got up, his arm bleeding as he grabbed it. 

The figure look at him through the whole in the wall before they seemed to turn around and walk away, Brian getting up and slowly moving towards the wall as he caught a glimpse of their hair, it was a short hairstyle and was a blue color. " W who are you and what do you want" Brian exclaimed as he watched the figure stop their steps, turning around to look at Brian before they finally said anything. "Who am I? What does that matter to you, thief" their voice came out more feminine and shocked Brian a bit, especially at the thief part. "Thief? I'm not a thief! this is my home, inherited from my grandmother!" he explained as the figure seemed to stop at this moment, they stared at Brian almost as if analyzing them. "impossible, the owner of this house is-" the figure started before being cut of by Brian in a quick explanation, "my grandmother Nana Shimura! She died and I inherited the house in her will!" Brian stood there holding his arm as he watched the figure walk over to a photo, the photo contained a picture of Nana Shimura but also had a  baby with green hair. "There is only one person that Nana would have left this to, her grandson Izuku, and you don't look anything like him" she said with a more sad tone and looked at him. "I know, I a- I was izuku... due to certain situations I changed my name, identity pretty much, and my name, my new name is Brian O'Conner" he said as the figure kept looking at him before it seemed like she was smiling. "O'Conner was Nana's middle name..." she said with a sad and happy tone. 

the figure walked over to some blood on the ground and wiped it up, putting it in a machine of some sorts before Brian was suddenly wrapped in the robotic arms, keeping him in in  one position as he squirmed and wiggled. "h hey let me go!" Brian yelled out shocked, staring at the figure as the machine lit up green. "This machine will prove your lying... testing your blood to see who you truly ar-" the figure started before stopping as the machine lit up green,  she looked down at the machine in shock seeing the monitor, it showed a younger izuku with a line connected to Nana Shimura. "y you aren't lying... y you really are Little izuku" the figure said as they seemed to tear up, "i haven't seen you s sense you were so young." As the figure slowly came into the light, Brian now being released from the robotic arms as he stared up at the new figure as they came into the light. "You were always so smart at a young age.." the figure continued before she came fully into the light, she wore a yellow jumpsuit it seemed along with some earrings. 

"I don't know if you remember me but its me.. .Bulma"  figure said as she looked down at Brian with a soft smile, holding her hand out for Brian to help him up.  

izuku O'connorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora