Bitch Might

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"Ughhh so bright" Brian mumbled to himself as he woke up, "Turn it down." "Glad to see your awake dearie" a female voice said alerting Brian, who instantly sat up and looked around. "Relax, your in the UA medical office" a short girl with a giant needle cane said to Brian. "Oh" Brian said to himself whacking himself in the hand while doing so, "Your recovery girl!" Recovery girl nods her head before going over all the reports of Brian's injuries and repairs. "Well looking at the chart" Recovery girl starts, stealing a glance at Brian before continuing, "you had internal bleeding and broke your arm and leg pretty bad, however sense they were clean breaks I was able to heal them perfectly." she states. "ok so?" Brian says wondering if he was ok or if there was some underlying condition. "Your perfectly a okay to keep doing hero stuff" Recovery girl says before throwing him his hero costume. "Here" she says, "you can change into that for now, I already had it cleaned of all the blood." "Thanks" Brian says nodding his head before changing into his hero outfit. As Brian walked out he noticed a bowl of lollipops and casual took one by walking past the bowl, opening it and plopping it in his mouth. 

While walking back to Class 2-A he heard heavy footsteps behind him, knowing exactly who it was Brian quickly rushed outside and looked for the window of 2-A. When he reached outside, he was sadly, found by the one and only, Bitch Might. "You hand over the cape and belt cape of my master right now" he said trying to be threating to him. "No" Brian says simplify turning away from him. "It doesn't belong to you and nor do you deserve it, Izumi should have them to honor her grandmother" All Might says trying to sound intelligent and demanding.  "NO, Grandmother actually came to me in a dream" Brian started, "She told me all about OFA and AFO, then she told me where her cape and belt cape was before saying I was the one to deserve them. Plus she doesn't like you guys anymore after what you did" Brian says smugly to him. "WHY YOU!" All Might says lounging at him not expecting him to start, Floating? 

"YOU QUIRKLESS BASTARD" ALL Might yells at him, "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU FLOATING!!!" Brian was now currently laying on his back floating in the air, drinking an Coca Cola, where he got it? No clue. "Oh yeah" Brian says snapping his fingers before taking a sip of his Coca Cola, "Grandma gave me her quirk along with a few boost that came with it." Brian smirks as he looks down on Bitch Might's confused and shocked face. "T-THERE NO WAY SHE WOULD GIVE HER QUIRK TO SOME QUIRKLESS BASTARD" he yells out a Brian. "uh huh, sure" Brian says before throwing his now empty can of coke at All Might, hitting him directly in the forehead. "WATCH IT" All Might yells, having enough decided to try and jump at Brian. Brian expected this and used his advance speed, reflex's, and flexibility, thanks to his Mama's training, and dodged All Might's lounge at him. All Might ,not seeing this, jumps straight into a building face first going through 2 walls before hitting his head hard on the third. All Might slowly got up holding his head, feeling something run down his nose area. All Might took his hand and wiped under his nose to see, blood? 

All Might was pissed, not only did Brian have a quirk, his masters old cape and belt cape, make his suit look exactly like his master old suit, he had also now made him bleed. "LISTEN HERE YOU STUPID FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE" All Might yells out at Brian , shocking a few bystanders who were recoding this whole thing, "YOU WILL TAKE OF THAT SUIT AS YOU DON'T DESERVE IT, YOU WILL GIVE THAT CAPE AND BELT CAPE TO YOUR SISTER AS SHE DESERVES THEM MORE THAN YOU DO, YOU WILL DROP OUT OF THE HERO COURSE, YOU WILL GIVE ALL THE CARS YOU OWN TO US, AND YOU WILL LEAVE THAT STUIPID BUNNY FUCKING HERO AND COME HOME WHERE WE WILL DECIDED YOUR PUNISHMENT!" As All Might yelled this out, Brian's face got more and more covered in shadow, He was getting pissed, something he didn't get often. 


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In an instant Brian was in front of All Might and delivered a terrifying blow to his jaw

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In an instant Brian was in front of All Might and delivered a terrifying blow to his jaw. All Might went flying into the wall beside him. Shock took over All might as he could barely move, surprised Brian had this much power now.  "You think I am going to do any of that" Brian says slowly, walking towards All Might before grabbing him by the back of his head. All Might nods his head, "Yes I am you Fat-"  All Might starts before Brian slams All Might's face into the concrete wall with a lot of force. This formed a crack in All Might's frontal lobe, not a big one, but one that defiantly hurts when not treated. "No I won't" Brian said before slamming All Might's head into the wall again, making all might bleed from his nose and mouth even more, cracking all Might's Mandible as well. 

"You know I could stop here" Brian says, faking a thoughtful voice, "but after what you did to me and all the lies you said, I think you need more." All Might looks at him in shock before tryin got get up, only to find Brian kicks him hard his left leg, breaking All Might's Tibia bone and cracking it also. All Might yells out in pain, all of a sudden Brian knees All Might hard in the chest three time in a row, breaking ribs number 2, 3, and 4, and shattering ribs 5 and 6. % and six being close to his major injury, hurting him even more. "How does it feel?" Brian question's before kicking All Might in the face, sending All Might to the ground. "All the pain, not even a hundredth of what you and your so called family did to me" Brian whispered into All Might's ear. "Sadly I can't do anything to permeant as you are the 'Number One Hero'" Brian says while making air quotations as he said Number One Hero. "Stay out of my way and don't try getting in my life" Brian says to All Might in a serious tone, "I will beat you again if you try, and don't forget all the evidence I have on what you and your so called family and those devil children did to me. On top of that I know 3 people who have copies of that info and evidence." Brian says with a smirk. "Don't go trying anything! Okay?" Brian says finishing his sentence, acting like nothing happened. All Might slowly nods he head in pain, "Y yeah" All Might says, slowly getting up. "Good!" Brian says, "And one more for the road!" Brian says aloud before stomping his foot onto All Might's left leg again, breaking All Might's Femur bone. 

All Might fell back to the ground in pain as he watched Brian fly away, presumably back to class. "I-Ill get you back for this" All Might's mumbles aloud, passing out from pain. Nezu watched and sent some medical bots, all from his office. "This will be interesting" Nezu says to himself, "your doing great nephew."


I am so sorry for the last updates!!! I have been really busy lately but I'm trying to get back on schedule with chapter!! Thank you for staying with me and tolerating me!!!!!!

See you next chapter!!


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