Why Mama?

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The day after the incident was filled with Izuku and Mirko just hanging out. For several hours they were found outside working in the garage. They worked on Brian's R34 fixing up the slight damage that happened during his earlier job. They even dropped the engine into a secret car they have been working on. (make your guesses on the car!) After working on the cars though Brian and Mirko headed inside and cleaned up before ordering some take out for dinner. 

Brain watched as Mirko sat the food on the counter. 'Im so lucky she chose to adopt me' he thinks to himself smiling, "Brian come and get your food before I eat it" Mirko yelled out. Brian quickly jumped up from the couch and ran over to the food on the counter. Quickly grabbing his food and a drink, "Nope, its my food" he says with a smirk. Mirko just lets out a laugh before the two of them sit down and eat their dinner's. While eating Brian kept going back to a previous thought he had, why did she adopt him? He was 19, why would she need to or want to adopt him.  This thought kept eatin gat him, it ate at him to the point that Mirko noticed. "What wrong bunny?" she ask him after they had finished eating. "Nothing mama" he says going to walk away until Mirko stopped him. "I Know there is something wrong, please tell me" Mirko say in a kind and motherly tone. "W-why me?" Brian ask, "What do you mean?" Mirko questions. "Why did you adopt me, a 19 year old who has been on the streets a good amount of their life?" Brian says with tears in his eyes. "Oh bunny" Mirko says hugging him and sitting down on the couch with him.  "Well it started a long time ago...."

4 years ago...

Mirko was showing up for a street race when she heard she was going to go up against some new racer to the street scene.  'Piece of cake' Mirko thought to herself thinking it would be some newby racer in a stupid car they thought was fast. As she waited by the starting line she saw a certain orange Supra pull up to the starting line. "they got a good sense in cars' Mirko thought "Even so I bet he is still terrible at racing.' She pulled up next to them and looked over at the other car to see a young looking kid with dirty brown-blond hair. All of a sudden the kid looked at her  with his blue eyes that held a lot. As soon as Mirko saw those eyes she saw the story. His eyes had a sense of danger to them, freedom, and lively hood but it also hid a lot. She saw through it and saw what they were hiding, pain, sadness, loneliness, a sense of being lost. When she saw this she instantly knew something about him was different. She knew it even more when her motherly instinct kicked into overdrive, it took a lot for her not to run over to their car and start cuddling them. Mirko shook these thought from her head and focused on winning the race. No matter what she did she couldn't truly push him out of her mind. 

During the race she was extremely surprised to find that he had driving skills that even she didn't have. It was almost as if he had been driving for years. He was performing the hardest drifts there are with a look of easiness, he did moves she had never seen before catching her off guard. 'just who is this kid?' she thought after she lost to this kid racer. Every time the two met up to have a street race her motherly instinct came back.  She saw the same thing she always saw in his eyes and she felt so hopeless, even as a hero, she felt she couldn't do anything. His driving was on another level but she knew the pain he was bearing and hiding from the world.

It was around 3 months later that she learned of who he truly was. She saw the really old pictures of a 5 year old Izuku Yagi, a kid who went missing and was the son of the number 1 hero. When she saw the picture she instantly noticed the hair and eyes. But the eyes were the big point, they held the same pain Brian did expect less of it but still enough to take affect. After doing her own private investigation on it she concluded they were one in the same and it hurt her, knowing he would have major trust issues. She went into a full depth investigation and even threated Aizawa who knew she was worried about the kid but no matter how he asked she never answered why. He finally gave in and told her everything about Izuku, from the looks he had last time he saw him, to the abuse from his so called 'friends' to the neglection. Hearing the story broke her heart more and more and made her motherly instinct grow even more. She  made it her mission to save Izuku no, Brian, to the best of her abilities. She started getting closer and closer to the kid. 

Over the course of a year and a half the grew pretty close. They joked had fun and Mirko never once let it slip she knew who he truly was. She finally built up the courage to get adoption papers for the 15 now  16 almost 17 year old. So she can finally officially give him the motherly love he needed without him having to fear. She would finally have her own baby bunny, she didn't care about how old he was. All she knew was she could finally help him if he agreed with it. 

Then a strike to the heart a day later. Brian had disappeared from the racing scene. She clutched the adoption papers tightly and cried to herself. "I failed' she would say to herself over the course of the next month. She started doing even more hero work, to the point she overworked herself a good amount of the time making a few heros worry about her. Around 5 months after his 'disappearance' she got word of a certain dirty blond-brown hair teenager in American. When she saw a picture of him, her heart felt light as she smiled knowing it was him. He had friends it seemed and one of the best things she saw on the photo was of a big smile. Something that was rare for him, something she had only seen when the two were in private. Knowing he was ok ay allowed Mirko to let out a breath she had held for awhile now. On that day she swore as soon as he got back from America she would pretty much through those adoption papers at him. 

two years later she catches word of him returning. Mirko was ecstatic at the news. She rushed all around getting her house ready and of course adoption papers. No one had seen her this happy for a while but they were happy to see her smiling and jumping around again. A week after this news she was at the docks waiting for him to show. And well, you know the rest...

Back to the present (future!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mirko smiled as she finished explaining the story to Brian. She had a smile on as she told it, remembering almost every detail. She looked over at Brian who had fell asleep on her shoulder. She lightly smiled before shaking her head in amusement. She picked him up bringing him to his bedroom before softly tucking him into his bed. "Nighty night my little bunny" she said motherly, kissing his forehead before walking out....

To Be Continued....

Hey guys/gals thank you so much for 5k reads! It means so much for me to have made it this far! 

I also have a special announcement:

I wanna say rest in piece to TechnoBlade and a thank you for all he has done for his fan group and Youtube and the world as a world. Hes made me laugh, sit on the edge of my seat, feel joy, and now sadness. As he says Technoblade never dies and he never shall die as he will always be in our hearts. Cancer may have taken his life but he brought that cancer with him, he refuses to lose. I wish him to enjoy heaven and what ever he plans on doing up there. 


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Rest in Peace....

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