A Hollow Victory

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The next couple of D.A. meetings went much like the first. Y/N ordered one of the members forward and told them to try and disarm him. The first time, it was Michael Corner. Y/N had spotted him whispering something to Ginny and couldn't resist.

'Corner!' he snapped, and Michael sat bolt upright like a deer caught in headlights.

'Um... yeah?'

'On your feet.'

Once more he led Michael away, ignoring Ginny trying to catch his eye and lined up opposite him.

'Let's see what you learned last lesson. Disarm me.'

Michael did better than Zacharias but only because he actually waited until Y/N drew his wand. The spell had as little of an effect as it had from Smith and Michael did not look impressed.

'You did that just cause he's my boyfriend didn't you?' hissed Ginny once everyone had begun splitting up into pairs.

'If he wants to whisper during my lessons, I assume he knows what he's doing,' said Y/N innocently.

'And what about Fred and George? They were doing it too,' said Ginny, narrowing her eyes.

'Huh, must have missed that.'

Ginny shook her head, laughing in spite of herself.

Overall, the disarming had improved dramatically by the end of that session so during the next one, they did 10 minutes of quick revision on it and then moved onto the Banishment Charm. Depluso.

Once more, Y/N chose a volunteer to practice it on him, this time, Ron.

'Not used this spell in a while,' said Ron as the two of them set up.

'That's why we're here,' said Y/N. 'Do your best, we'll go from there.'

Ron's spell held force, it was definitely better than both Michael and Smith but even still it didn't lift Y/N off his feet. He simply staggered a couple of steps backwards. There was some polite applause from the gathered members along with a whistle of appreciation from Lavender, Ron went slightly pink.

Y/N moved back into position and raised his hand.

'No wand?' asked Ron.

'No. It'll be more powerful if I do,' said Y/N, 'and you may want to shield charm this.'

Ron did as Y/N instructed and the shield charm, whilst meagre, did appear before him.


The shield charm shattered almost immediately and even still Ron was lifted off his feet, flying several feet backwards and hitting the stone floor hard. He got to his feet gingerly.

'Was that-' began Lee.

'Wandless magic, yes it was,' said Y/N, turning back to the members. 'All in good time I assure you. For now, you saw the difference. Ron's charm was good, but it didn't have the force or practice it needed to do me any harm. Mine, however, could have sent him into the wall if I went all out. It's all about reinforcement and practice. Here-'

Y/N closed his eyes and thought:

'We need more cushions.'

And once he'd opened them, he could see on the other side of the students was now a new cupboard.

'In there-' he pointed at it, '-should be spare cushions. Set them up around yourselves and practice on each other. We'll move onto the training dummies later, for now using it on another wizard or witch will be more beneficial.'

Both lessons had been a dramatic success, both for Y/N and for all attending. Hermione gushed about them every time they returned to their dorm room and Y/N couldn't help trying to forward plan the next one, including who his next demonstration victim would be.

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