Prefect Duties

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The last few days of the summer blazed by, and soon, Y/N found himself waking up alongside Hermione on the morning of September 1st.

The two of them had forward planned for this, especially knowing how chaotic it tended to be for the Weasley's after last year. All their belongings were packed up. And Eternus, who was now big enough to do so, was perched on Y/N's shoulder.

The phoenix had almost finished growing now. Or at least Y/N assumed it had. It was definitely close to the same size as Fawkes. The orange plumage blazed, especially when hit with direct sunlight, and a lot of its adolescent noisemaking had faded. Even still, it was a very vocal phoenix, and still spent many evenings singing softly.

The two of them were just heaving their trunks out of their room as Mrs Weasley passed.

'Ah! You two! Brilliant, go help Ginny, would you? She's having some trouble finding everything.' Mrs Weasley waved her wand and Hermione and Y/N's trunk floated away, moving slowly down the stairs. The duo, meanwhile, went the other way, ascending to the next floor and knocking on Ginny's door.

'Yes I know mum-' began an annoyed voice as the two of them entered.

'Well, I'm glad you do! We're in a serious rush and we'll end up being late if you're not careful!' said Y/N in his best imitation of Mrs Weasley, before promptly dodging the book Ginny threw at him.

Between the three of them, and Y/N's use of magic, it didn't take long to get all of Ginny's stuff packed away. And with a wave of his wand, the trunks also began the trip down the staircase.

'Thanks,' said Ginny, a little bit breathlessly as they stepped out of her room. 'That was really beginning to annoy me.'

'Happy to help!' said Hermione. 'Come on, let's-'

But she was interrupted as Y/N threw out his arm stopping her and Ginny from beginning down the stairs. Next second, two trunks went whizzing past them, careening down the stairs.

'Oi!' called Y/N, glancing up the stairs. The next second, the twin's faces appeared in view.

'Oh, hey Y/N!' said George brightly.

'Watch where you're sending that stuff!' yelled Y/N, 'You almost hit Hermione and Ginny with them!'

'Oh shit, sorry, forgot, you girls alright?' yelled Fred.

'Thanks to Y/N, yeah,' said Ginny. 'Cheers,' she added to him and Y/N nodded.

All in all, it could have been more chaotic. Especially if Fred and George had managed to hit Ginny or Hermione with their trunks. The twins managed to help Harry and Ron and the lot of them were gathered within the kitchen with reasonable time to spare.

'Y/N!' barked Moody the moment they stepped foot into the kitchen. 'Over here!'

Y/N squeezed Hermione's hand and moved over to where Remus, Tonks, Moody, Mr, and Mrs Weasley stood.

'Sturgis hasn't appeared,' said Remus quietly the moment he was within earshot.

'Wait, he's missing?' asked Y/N, alarmed.

'Closer to late at the moment,' growled Moody, 'but it's not good either way. We need another member of the guard, we're one short, and you're going anyway-'

'I'm on it,' said Y/N. 'Who am I watching?'

'Sturgis was due to go with Fred, George, and Ginny,' said Mr Weasley, 'But I'll take his spot, you go with Alastor, Ron, and Hermione.'

'Yep, on it.'

'It's lucky you're here,' growled Moody. 'This is the second time he hasn't shown up to a pre-planned thing this week. He's becoming as unreliable as Mundungus.'

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