The Scar

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It was well into the evening when Y/N had gotten back but fatigue had set in by the time his feet hit the solid pavement outside of Grimmauld Place. Tonks gave Y/N a nod as he released her arm and then turned on the spot, vanishing into the night. Y/N withdrew his wand and tapped the door.

He wasn't sure where the fatigue had come from, he hadn't done an awful lot. Perhaps the use of wandless magic was taking more out of him than he thought. But either way, what he needed right now was to just tuck himself away, and not worry about anything.

And the house seemed willing to let him do exactly that, he could hear a noise of voices coming from the kitchen downstairs as he made his way up the entrance hall, after ensuring to close and lock the door. But instead of turning left to join them, he turned right, making his way steadily up the staircase before slipping away into his and Hermione's bedroom.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small orange speck, placing Eternus down on his bedside table. The phoenix looked up at Y/N, its beady orange eyes sending a warmth cascading through his body. All at once, he felt the fatigue leave and a tiredness set in instead. His body no longer felt worn out, instead he now just felt tired.

He changed into his pyjamas and slid away under the duvet, any thoughts of food, conversation or people washed from his mind as he felt sleep sweep through him, and before he'd even finished getting comfortable, he drifted off.

Whether he'd been asleep for ten minutes or ten days he didn't know. The next thing he knew was something warm and comforting pulling lightly on him. He followed the movement without question and felt a pair of arms wrap around him as something pulled itself into his chest.

'It's good to see you again,' breathed Hermione.

'Love you,' murmured Y/N. But that was all he managed.

The next few days were much of what Y/N already knew. During Y/N's absence, the clean-up crew had managed to wipe out the cabinet within the drawing room, telling Y/N various stories about what they'd encountered. They were still dealing with the Doxies, however.

With Y/N's help and knowledge of the creatures, they managed to round them off the next day, but that didn't help for the rest of the house.

The wall in the drawing room bore a long tapestry of the Black family tree which they could not remove. And the writing desk still rattled. Y/N had offered twice to deal with it, he felt confident that whatever was inside was a Boggart, but Mrs Weasley had stopped him both times.

'We just don't know what else could be in there,' she said, 'it's too much of a risk.'

'I can feel that there's nothing in there!'

But no matter what argument Y/N gave, Mrs Weasley wouldn't budge.

After the drawing room, they moved to a dining room on the ground floor where they found spiders large as saucers lurking in the dresser (Ron left the room hurriedly to make a cup of tea and did not return for an hour and a half). The china, which bore the Black crest and motto, was all thrown unceremoniously into a sack by Sirius, and the same fate met a set of old photographs in tarnished silver frames, all of whose occupants squealed shrilly as the glass covering them smashed.

Y/N also made a point to pull Harry aside and mutter his hushed plan about the Cleansweep with him. Harry agreed wholeheartedly, stating that Ron had been talking about getting a new broom for a while and the two of them pitched in together with Hermione and sent off the order.

Overtime, members of the Order came back and updated the members on things they'd been getting up to. Tonks had been heavily praised for her capture of the Carrows but despite their obvious get up, the Ministry attempted to cover up their arrest instead of claiming credit, not wanting to lend credit to Dumbledore's words.

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