Pilot Mission

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'Tergeo!' said Y/N, pointing his wand at the puddle of water that was slowly seeping across the kitchen floor.

'Sorry!' said Tonks for the fifth time, 'It just slipped out of my hands.'

'It's alright, Tonks,' said Sirius, refilling up the pot and replacing it on the stove where it immediately began to boil.

'Luckily for you, we've been doing this for most of the day,' said Y/N with a small laugh as the last of the water vanished. 'This a regular occurrence for you?'

'Unfortunately,' said Tonks embarrassedly. 'I'm dead clumsy. I do my best but sometimes things just get away from me.'

'Ah well,' said Remus, clapping a hand on her shoulder, 'at least it'll keep things interesting.'

The four of them had made their way down to the kitchen in order to prepare food whilst most of the Order members had steadily filtered out of the house, each of them was to take a different job, and much as Tonks had declared, she wanted to cover the stove. Unfortunately, that hadn't lasted as she filled the pot with water and managed to balance it on top of the stove.

Before promptly turning away and knocking it off with her arm.

'Set out cutlery and plates, would you Tonks?' asked Sirius politely, 'Y/N, take over the vegetables.'

By giving Tonks the least damaging jobs, they managed to get a meal prepared and together, the four of them sat down around the dining table in the kitchen.

'What brings you to us then, Tonks?' asked Sirius as they ate, 'Most of the others left.'

'I'd only go back and cook for myself anyway,' shrugged Tonks, 'And besides, it's a good chance to get to know you all. See who I'm going to be working with.'

'Well, I dare say you've already heard of Sirius,' said Remus with a small laugh.

'You certainly don't seem as crazy and dangerous as the Ministry made you out to be,' said Tonks.

'That's because the Ministry are perfectly happy to say whatever sells the paper, whether it turns out to be the truth or not,' said Sirius moodily, 'and given the circumstances, I wasn't really at liberty to correct them.'

'I think that much should be apparent to all three of us,' said Remus with a bitter tone. 'I'm afraid you're in the company of the Ministry's most wanted. Some literally.'

'I haven't heard your name often,' said Tonks curiously, looking at Remus.

'Not by name, no,' said Remus. 'However, the Ministry and many other sources don't take kindly to werewolves. Especially those who try to ignore what we are as best we can.'

Tonks didn't seem to know what to say to this and threw Y/N a pleading look.

'The few ruin it for the many,' said Y/N quickly. 'If not for Greyback and his followers, it could be that the other werewolves wouldn't feel obligated to join him.'

'That may be true for a few,' said Remus, 'but don't let my attitude fool you Y/N. Most of my kind are perfectly happy to do whatever it takes to keep themselves out of the Ministry's hands. Even if it involves attacking innocents.'

'And I think Dumbledore practically gave you my life story,' said Y/N, 'but I'm Y/N, son of Maria and best friend to Harry Potter. For some reason.'

'I imagine it's an exciting life,' said Tonks conversationally.

'Depends on your definition,' said Y/N. 'He certainly keeps me busy, but so do these two.' He pointed at Remus and Sirius, who both smirked, 'but I wouldn't change where I am. Not least of all because he'd probably be dead if I did.'

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