36 | mend confessions

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AFTER NATASHA'S WHOLE confession, it definitely worked to improve their relationship. However, it was a lot more awkward than ever. Unless, it was always awkward and Avelina was only noticing after hearing everything that went down between Natasha and Vincent.

They were sitting around the dining table. Everything was black from the table to the chairs. Avelina loved the modern touch to everything. It made it look all the more fancy and elegant. The baby was sleeping soundly after being fed by her mother. She was calmly resting in a carrier beside Avelina at the dinner table. Luckily for them, she could sleep through anything.

Avelina sat beside Adrik while Natasha and Vincent sat across from them. They were so silent, the only sounds that could be heard were the forks clanking against the plate and scraping against their teeth.

"So..." Avelina interrupted the loud silence. "Adrik, you wanted us to all have dinner?"

She was searching for something to start a conversation off with.

"Yes, I have a special announcement that will wait for later," Adrik stated. Avelina gave a tight-lipped smile. She should've known he wouldn't be much help in starting a conversation.

"Natasha and I actually had a really great conversation earlier," she said, smiling at Natasha. Natasha returned the smile, but continued to eat her food.

Vincent perked up at the sound of it. "Conversation? About what?"

"Oh, God—" Natasha whispered under her breath.

"About the two of you. I'm kind of hurt you weren't the one to tell me, Vin. I didn't know you were actually together to the point y'all were going to have a baby," Avelina said. Natasha's shoulders fell. She turned so pale that it looked like she had seen a ghost.

"We weren't going to have a baby," Vincent said matter-of-factly.

It was only then that Avelina realized that she wasn't supposed to be talking about that. She flashed Natasha a very sincere, apologetic look as she stabbed her fork into her green beans. Again, silence had overcame them. If she thought it was awkward before, it was definitely awkward now.

"I'm sorry but... what do you mean a baby?" Vincent asked Avelina. Avelina didn't bother looking up. She didn't want to lie, but it wasn't even her business in the first place. She should've just kept quiet.

"A baby? I meant me and Adrik-"

"Adrik and I," Adrik corrected her.

"Adrik and I's baby," Avelina tried to cover up.

"You are lying," Adrik said. She gave him a pointed look, but it didn't make much of difference because he was too busy eating to pay any attention.

"What baby?" Vincent tried again. This time, there was absolutely nothing that Avelina could do. She just forced her mouth full of the rest of her green beans just to shut herself up. She wasn't making anything better.

Natasha sighed. She had been avoiding eye contact with him the entire time, but it seemed she finally built up enough courage to look him in the eye. "This conversation can wait..."

Vincent placed his fork down on his plate, igniting a loud 'clink.' The silence was so loud that the small, little noise he made was deafening. Everything only grew more tense as they sat there, waiting for someone to react.

"I'm not stupid, Natasha. She wouldn't say something like that unless you told her about some baby. So, what fucking baby Natasha?" he yelled. Avelina flinched back at his tone.

"Be careful about who you are speaking to," Adrik stated, leaning forward in his seat. Avelina wanted to bang her head on a table. She just started another war between Adrik and her very own brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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